The greatest castanet player in the world.
I noticed that I already had waypoints unlocked in Fontaine despite never having traveled there. Is that normal? I’m assuming it’s for convenient access to the events.
It’s little disappointing though because I had been running through the dunes of Sumeru for the first time just to reach Fontaine, then I check the map and realize that I could’ve just fast traveled. Kinda cheapens the exploration.
I’ve never played with inverted controls before (other than in planes) on PC, so I’m curious — what’s the benefit?
Same, got burned out and I haven’t played in over a year. The only reason I hopped on last week was to roll for her — haven’t played since.
I can’t believe someone with an anime profile picture isn’t spouting bigoted nonsense.
Exactly what I thought when I saw that title.
NERV? Like the agency from Evangelion? I’m not too familiar with any other abbreviation than that haha.
If BBC is to be believed, it’s been surviving as practically just a name until 2005, when it was acquired by an Indian entrepreneur and turned into a luxury goods seller.
Yahoo seems to corroborate that this is the company in question.
Looks like this is their site: