Funny story, I spilt coke all over my first mechanical keyboard. I tried everything to fix it, water, rice, alcohol. After all that it still felt horrible so I ended up just buying a new one. But I didn’t throw it away, I just stuck it in my closet where it remained for years.
Then approximately 8 years later, I take it out, randomly decide to try typing on it… its perfect. Felt just like it did when it was new, I dunno if the sugar just broke down or degraded over time or what, but it was fixed.
So if nothing else, just put it into storage for a decade and then try it out again lol.
I’m on and I can see this ;)
I like RackNerd
Cheap as hell
Torrents, I like the community and indefinite retention. And with 1gbps home connections becoming more common staying in ratio has become way easier.
Tailscale, super easy install, sets up a VPN into your services, no port opening needed
Nope, do whatever suits you!
I would say tho the example you made is one of the infamous cases where docker is more difficult to setup than without due to the file locations of your movies, etc needing to match between dockers. When I set it up I found a really good guide that not only explained how to set it up but they also explained the logic and reason behind the issue.
Another good guide about the issue:
The reason I’d initially recommend docker to a beginner is it keeps everything clean and organized, it’s easy to undo mistakes while learning, and I feel some apps are easier to setup with docker because they come with the dependencies already installed and configured properly.
Yep, good point!
And yes Tailscale is super simple and beginner friendly, it literally installs and is ready to use in seconds.
You know… that’s not a bad idea, I just need a general tracker for dumb stuff that’s now allowed on my niche trackers such as cams, Usenet would be perfect for that… time to go down the rabbit hole and figure it all out again lol
Np, I would say dm me if you have any questions but I dunno if you can message between lemmy and kbin haha
No GUI but documentation is great with lots of hand holding lol
It comes with a folder full of premade config files for various services that you just rename from .example to .conf. And off chance you use some niche service that doesn’t have one yet you can just use their general template and whip one up.
There is a dashboard addon for status/info (no configuration)
Honestly, I could probably keep this up all day if I kept thinking about it but imma stop here.
Yea between the enshitificaiton of the internet and how far selfhost software has come it is a great time to selfhost and will just keep getting better.
Selfhosting, reddit drama, kbin, all this just makes it seem like the internet is having a sort of grassroots, back to basics movement which I’m all for lol.
As a non-technical selfhoster who just does this as a hobby I swear by swag, more accessible than nginx alone and just works, I’ve literally had zero issues. Any attempts to try other proxys have had me going back lol.
Man the general trackers are such a shit show. Back in the day I had my TL ratio drop randomly and I logged in just to see there were a bunch of downloads logged to my account that weren’t me. Went in their IRC to point it out their shit was fucked and they got all defensive and tried to make it seem like I was trying to pull something malicious on them. I just quit the site out of spite after that and went inactive.
Then I joined IPT which is sketch af, but then one day I just logged in to find my account was deleted and they wanted money or some shit to get a new one, so naturally I was outta there.
… Now I just dont have a general tracker… I guess I should be paying attention to the suggestions here too lol
I miss SCC
@plumbercraic Looks like we need someone to make one *wink*
@dopethrone Looks like we need someone to make one wink
@zpoex Nextcloud is always a handy one
A stand-alone media file renamer/organizer with a nice webui that supports hard links.
Since I automate my torrent downloads I basically use the arr suite for just renaming and organizing which kinda over complicates things.