I am not able to replicate on Android FF either, but Chrome does have this issue. Maybe your setup is the same that way?
DIY projects, gardening, cooking, crochet, home automation, and writing code
I am not able to replicate on Android FF either, but Chrome does have this issue. Maybe your setup is the same that way?
Was more thinking the api should sanitize those for normal people. Makes sense that they’d continue to exist in the database for restoration
Agree with the editing. Mods get a purge button also, which makes a bit more sense now
Interesting the API returns the text for people that shouldn’t have access. That’s a bug with Lemmy I’d say. A ticket should probably be filed there
Put up a PR to fix this with voyager tho, quick change. Keeps the button around for mods & the author, but hides it for everyone else when the comment is removed
Nobody thought to add it probably. Did a quick search on github, looks like it can be added here if someone is interested:
Borg Backup works great for that, exactly it’s use case. It’s a command line thing, but you can use Vorta as a UI if you want that. If you have a NAS, it can back up directly to that.
I have a second cronjob in my setup that syncs the encrypted archive to B2 nightly. Works great
I wish, that’d be a cool one. Just a cutting board
This doesn’t happen for me either, same version. It’ll kinda try sometimes, partly scrolling into view. It doesn’t properly interact with scrolling until the top
There are tools to detail the code coverage if your tests. I’ve worked with Istanbul in the past, and it’s helped to point out parts of the code that could use more attention
Yep! There was a “too many tomatoes” problem that I totally had the solution to 😁 All the smaller ones got roasted in an air fryer with some garlic to make the sauce
I felt much more comfortable with them when I started going by a different name. Having my name and pronouns consistent, even if I don’t pass in any way, works best for me. Adjusting to it was pretty quick for me after that
Mine just pushed streaming services and shows I’m not interested in, and makes it waaaaay easier to accidentally get advertised at than to find the input select menu to get out of that.
The UI also lags hard while trying to stream video because the embedded computer is terrible
Went the opposite way here. Went from “maybe up by lunch” before I started to 7 am sharp. Sleep so much better now
Laser hair removal is great for that combination. I got started on it after a couple months of hrt, and it’s done a lot for body hair over a short time
Hourly backups with Borg, nightly syncs to B2. I’ve been playing around with zfs snapshots also, but I don’t rely on them yet
Pulled it in, confirmed working again for me