Middle aged guy. Taking zero drugs that would affect sexual performance either negatively or positively. Long time girlfriend who likes sex and can cum PIV. Recently the start is the same where my girlfriend spends a few minutes getting my cock good and hard. I enter and everything is fine. We are both having fun. Then for no reason I start to get floppy. And other times when I stay hard I just can never reach the edge to actually cum. We have also tried hand jobs and oral and the same things happen. Any advice?

  • @RBWellsV23
    1 month ago

    Is she getting off? I think it’s normal, this happens to my guy (we are your age - ETA: we are both in good shape, and you look like you are too, I don’t think it’s a health thing). If YOU are ok with it and she is getting off, it’s not a problem, you can consider it edging and fuck again later, that’s what we do. Evening is for me, morning for him.

    Also - he does sometimes take half a Cialis, if she likes PIV consider it - so hard he feels bigger inside me, it’s great.

    The only time it’s a drag is when he really wants to cum at night, it does seem to take forever (though I do get to cum kind of a lot when this happens, I get so exhausted).

    So I guess my suggestion, since you sleep together, is just go to sleep when she’s done and take advantage of the morning when you have a better chance of getting off, let that be for you.