So now we’re being forced to have poorer performance and locked into buying more expensive hardware.

I’ll have to pass on this type of crap and vote with my wallet when ray tracing still isn’t there for the majority of pc gamers.

  • @[email protected]
    214 days ago

    id software moving PC specs forward? You’re KIDDING. Outrage, I tell you!

    Wait, didn’t Quake require a math coprocessor enabled CPU?

    Hang on, Quake 3 required a 3D accelerator… Outrageous!

    Raytracing hardware has been around for the better part of a decade now. It’s time.

    • @[email protected]
      83 days ago

      The same id managed to keep the hardware requirements for Eternal amazingly low. I have a pretty beefy PC, yet I’d prefer to play without Ray Tracing, as that usually keeps the framerate from reaching a stable 120. It sucks they are taking away that option.