The Video Game History Foundation (VGHF) has officially launched its Digital Library in early access as of January 30, 2025. This online archive provides free access to a vast collection of video game history materials, including over 1,500 out-of-print magazines, promotional materials, artwork, press kits, and never-before-seen game development documents. The library is designed to serve researchers, historians, journalists, YouTubers, and fans interested in exploring the history of video games. At launch, the library includes six featured collections:Guidebooks and materials from the first 12 years of E3.An international collection of FromSoftware promotional content, donated with the company's blessing.100 CD-ROMs of
The Video Game History Foundation (VGHF) has officially launched its Digital Library in early access as of January 30, 2025. This online archive provides free access to a vast collection of video game history materials, including over 1,500 out-of-print magazines, promotional materials, artwork, press kits, and never-before-seen game development documents.
It’s an incredible resource - here’s hoping the publishers don’t kill it.