Sylvain Charlebois discusses the subtle alteration in the nutritional composition of some products as manufacturing costs soar in the industry.

  • thanevim
    11 months ago

    Also who tf tips at subway?

    Those of us who realize the workers tend to be those unable to get anything better, even if they are trying (see: ex-convicts) and understand that $9/hr ain’t a living wage

    • Unaware7013
      1111 months ago

      I hope you’re giving the employees cash, otherwise you’re probably just giving the store a couple of extra bucks that the employees likely never see.

      • thanevim
        -111 months ago

        My wife worked at one. Cash tips are definitely best as they aren’t officially taxed, but after taxes the employees do see every cent of digital taxes inside their paychecks. One biweekly paycheck was ~$50 more in tips alone for her. That was while her manager went on extended “medical” leave for an entire month and a half, leaving her, only one month into employment, fielding the lunch rush solo 3-4 days a week.

    • @Ilikepornaddict
      1011 months ago

      Not my job to subsidize their wage either. The more people are willing to tip, the less likely wages will be raised.