TL;DR I didn’t make it in time. Fuck you Trump!

Edit: For those asking, this was Please support them if you can.

  • kilonova
    419 hours ago

    This should be the standard lol. Who you dealing with, the mafia?

    • djsoren19
      113 hours ago

      Pretty standard business practice for the U.S. is “The Customer Can Always Get Fucked.” There’s a lot of money that’s basically just been stolen from me because I got tired with fighting the company to just ship me the thing I paid for, and I either bought the thing somewhere else or decided I didn’t want it anymore. Most companies don’t even actually have customer service, just chatbots or outsourced chumps who only seem to exist for Americans to yell at, because they have no authority to do, view, or fix anything.

      • kilonova
        145 minutes ago

        Haha, unreal. Not American so I didn’t realise how bad the customer service was. To be fair, the chatbot crap has taken over in the UK too and you often have to request to talk to a real person. My partner always just phones the companies directly and mostly gets her issues sorted out that way.