• @[email protected]
      4511 months ago

      in Germany the inflationary use of “Nazi” by leftists weakened the term a lot

      Excited to hear more about the big leftist media outlets that have dominated Germany for the last sixty years.

        • PugJesus
          11 months ago

          Braydox on his way to the camps: “Okay, but they haven’t actually killed us yet, so are they really Nazis?”

          It’s awfully convenient that your criteria for “Are Nazis a problem” is “Have they already won”

          • @[email protected]
            -1411 months ago

            Ah yes being sceptical of a random online photo is clearly the same as being skeptical. You need to work on your bots ai as it foesnt seem very good at responding to context

            • @[email protected]
              211 months ago

              Yeah. It is. When someone does the Nazi salute in public, they are telling you who they are, and you should believe them.

              The previous sentiment goes for anyone. When they clearly tell you, through actions not words, who they are, you would be wise to believe them. It is extremely rare that someone intentionally acts against their own personal interests at the time of their actions. They may unknowingly do so, such as by voting for Nazis, but rarely do they do so intentionally.

              • @[email protected]
                011 months ago

                No its not. Its a screenshot devoid of context.

                How long have you been on the internet that you are given an image and take that image at face value?

                • @[email protected]
                  211 months ago

                  I saw the video, which had context. She brazenly did a Nazi salute, and you are sealioning, which indicates that you’re a Nazi sympathizer.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      I agree it used to mean actual, armband wearing, genocide creating, goose stepping evil people that started WWII.

      Yes today there are still people who somehow support that shit with the books, flags, tats and armbands to prove it. There is a term for it. Neo Nazi. If you want Nazis to punch these are it, though it might not make them any less of one.

      Now by that standard is Trump a Nazi? No. But some throw the term around to essentially mean group=bad. The left crazies do it with nazi, the right crazies do it with communism. Over time it loses meaning to the point where nobody takes it seriously. Boy who cried wolf. The way to stop that is to only use the term on the real people, not the kinda sorta if you squint your eyes it’s similar in a way people. Not to say they they aren’t assholes or don’t deserve to be called out by other terms…

      Anyway yes people hate the real deal Nazis, but probably not every group someone on twitter slaps that label on to. End rant.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        Trump may not be a Nazi or a Neo-Nazi, as those are extremely specific subsets of Fascism. Trump is an authoritarian fascist. His TV series proved that well before his second or third presidential campaign.

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          I agree. But he’s also not “actual Hitler” as many have said over the years. It’s different levels of asshole and I wish people had more nuance is my point

          • Maeve
            110 months ago

            Idk, he wanted to order the military to go in with weapons blazing at blm protesters. Defended those who marched and chanted in Charlottesville that “Jews! Will not! Replace us!”

            He may not have the name hitler, but he seems to love that stuff. Oh yeah and covered up (has something to do with?) Kashoggi being quartered, alive when he himself couldn’t listen to the tapes of the sounds of agony. What exactly would earn him “Nazi” status, in your view?

      • Maeve
        110 months ago

        It’s almost as if there’sa term for right wing authoritarianism/authoritarianism, isn’t it?

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      Also terms like “grammar Nazi” is helping to weaken the seriousness of the word.

      In Denmark people sometimes use it to say that somebody is quite particular about something (similar to “grammar Nazi”) like " yeah, he’s kinda Nazi about people not wearing shoes in his apartment" I don’t know if that’s common in other countries too? But it’s definitely weakening the gravity of the word 'nazi".

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      Similer circumstance in russia. Where everyone bad and aganist russia is a nazi. Ukraine needing dezafication. Etc since from their perspective its only ever been Nazi’s they had no red scare since they were the red scare

    • @[email protected]
      -111 months ago

      And I’m here wondering if Godwin’s idea came because he saw something like this and wanted to stop it or if he saw an opportunity to silence criticism of Nazi-like strategies.

      And I’m not sure if I should be happy or sad that we’re in a post-Godwin world now. On the one hand, it was a dumb “rule” because there’s certainly times where Nazi comparisons are apt. But on the other hand, we only got post-Godwin because Nazi ideas have regained enough popularity that some are openly embracing the label.

    • ineedaunion
      11 months ago

      I see facist pedophiles who are also extremely racist against non whites daily in Montana. Is that a Nazi?

    • @[email protected]
      -911 months ago

      It’s exactly the same here in the US. Anyone right of Bernie Sandars was called a Nazi for a few years there (happens less today, but still happens), so now when someone shouts nazi, everyone just rolls their eyes.

      • Schadrach
        811 months ago

        I don’t roll my eyes, I just ask what precisely they mean when they say Nazi, and usually precisely what they mean by whatever word they use in that response with a flexible definition. Because it could literally be anything between “murder anyone who isn’t straight, white and Christian” and “not as progressive as Biden”.

          • Schadrach
            411 months ago

            I mean, he essentially campaigned and won on not being Trump. He’s been competent enough in office though.

            “Inoffensively competent” is about the highest praise I’d give him, and it’s deeply sad that that’s a substantial improvement over his predecessor.

            I’ll give Trump that not everything he did in office was terrible - he did sign the FIRST STEP Act which was broadly a good thing, and I approved of the Devos Title IX policy changes, and that’s about it.

        • Maeve
          110 months ago

          Biden isn’t progressive. He’s kind of socially left and economically right.

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        Ramifications of failures from education systems throughout the U.S.

        Can’t be surprised that no one articulates themselves properly when the only things most of these people read are less than 150 characters at a time.

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        Didn’t Chris Matthews have a meltdown during the 2020 primaries when Bernie won Nevada, because he thought the DSA was going to round people up and execute them in Central Park?

      • Maeve
        110 months ago

        It also happens the other way: Sanders, Cortez are called socialists, and even refer to themselves as socialist. Neither are anything of the sort.