I just got this popup while playing New vegas. I don’t even use chrome, i’ve switched to firefox. How can this be allowed? Also, this is Win10

  • NormalC
    -131 year ago

    Have fun with your digital Stockholm syndrome and corpo mindshare.

    Man, people like you are why we have to call it GNU/Linux. You have no core principles.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Yeah, you clearly are a newbie if you missed the obvious flag that my username presents. I’m a fucking old sysop you nimrod. I know Win, *Nux, Netware not because I want to know, but because my fucking job requires me to know. And you know what you figure out after a while of messing around with all of the crap that exists? Nothing is pure.

      So yeah, you be 16 year old me and repeat my own mistakes. Rant about corpo crap without even knowing what a job is. Rant about fucking principles when you still afford them. Also give me the spiel about how FOSS is superior to closed source because arbitrary reasons. If you live long enough, you’ll get the nuance to stop spouting crap that doesn’t mean shit outside of your bubble.

      Seriously, you are literally teenage me. I’m so glad I grew out of this phase. But man, you seriously need to pick up a fucking sysman every once in a while and stop sniffing the farts of the in-crows of popular lin distros.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        You sort of missed the point where Linux gives you freedom. Linux is built for users, windows is built for marketing, and it shows. It makes Linux nice for end users and it makes windows nice for the marketing department, sales and the share holders.

        Windows SUCKS in it’s daily use and even after all these years it’s still a Swiss cheese security wise. Yes, people would face issues with Linux too. Of course they will. But it will be a while different class of issues, not caused by a “fuck the user” attitude like Microsoft has it, but issues that will be solved because on Linux people actual care.

        • @[email protected]
          -41 year ago

          Yes, keep rehearsing the old propaganda. Doesn’t mean shit to the normie that still uses Windows because they’d rather have support than shitty half or undocumented systems that do shit they’re not supposed to at the worst time. For what it’s worth, you’re completely right. 100%. But reality makes all your right irrelevant. So, rather than fucking around and trying to convert people, maybe just lay off the bullshit and leave them be? Or … you know, git gud and help out?

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            I do.

            I help people with Linux wherever I can.

            I make companies use Linux. My own company uses Linux everywhere, it was built in from the start.

            What you’re saying is a chicken and egg problem. Companies would love to give support go Linux users but then they need Linux users…

            • @[email protected]
              -51 year ago

              No, companies need frigging assurances. They need timely SLA metered support with seasoned professionals who are certified in their specific areas. The public sector then needs that AND legal coverage as they have a completely different noodle to cook at the end of the day.

              And it somehow needs to be a lot cheaper and easier to use for lusers and somehow integrate with everything else.

              • @[email protected]
                21 year ago

                And all of that can be done with Linux.

                One large reason why this is still done so little is Microsoft marketing. Oh I’ll admit, Microsoft is kickass at marketing. As bad as their software sucked and keeps sucking, their marketing is awesome and well funded. Linux doesn’t have anything that compares but it’s own good name.

                Microsoft basically lies, cheats, pressures, whatever is needed so that people are locked into their software.

                Fuck. Everything. About Microsoft.

      • NormalC
        1 year ago

        No , you just gave up. Stop lying to yourself. You hide behind muh affordability because that’s the convenient excuse to use to not think about this.

        The status quo will benefit you for giving up entirely and disparaging those who advocate for freedom.

        “Teenage me” sounds like a mask off moment for you being a bitter out of touch person. You endorse the status quo and hide it under emotional rants of being more mature than the rest of us.

        “Nothing is pure… Rant about corpo crap”

        I’m only commenting to this because I don’t want younger folks or to be caught up in your self hate spiral.

        Its GNU/Linux because clowns like you exist and won’t shut up. People deserve better, they don’t deserve someone like you frothing at the mouth at the fact that you don’t believe a better world is possible.

        You’re incredibly lucky that a majority of “Linux”/tech communities tolerate you.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          I didn’t so much give up as I was forced to reconcile the false narratives posed by the bubble I was living in versus getting the fucking job done at the end of the day. Having to actually work according to legal standards, KPIs, milestones and visions really makes you realize the limitations of certain systems and the pitfalls of them. That only comes with experience.

          And I don’t fucking *need *communities to tolerate me, because I don’t care. Again, you’re speaking like some teenager on Twitter that’s worried about likes more than someone whose got insight. If I need a *nux server for anything, I’ll use it. But I’m not going to let blind FOSS bullshit idealism bar me from getting the job done at the end of the day.

          Now, if you had any brains you’d realize that smugly telling windows lusers to switch their OS is only going to piss them off. If you REALLY wanted to be a suave motherfucker, you could tell the users how to fix their shit and then tell them WHY shit like that happens (99% because win is a mono system, which *Nux isn’t) and then suggest a distro that would work for a switch, maybe link to some handy guides or shit like that.

          But no, you’re 16 year old me instead who giggles at Tux memes and tells people to switch when they ask for help. Fucking cringe.