As a disabled person, I face ableism and ableist language every day. Some people use ableist language without even knowing that it is ableist. I thought it would be good for folks to take a look at the attached BBC article and expand their perspectives a bit.

  • @[email protected]OP
    010 months ago

    I just don’t get it. If someone tells me that a word or phrase I’m using is offensive, I’m going to apologize and stop using it. Why is this so hard? Why would people double down on wanting to offend others?

    • @MapleEngineer
      410 months ago

      I find the word “ableist” offensive. Also the words, “it” and “this”.

      • ram
        -110 months ago

        This is a shitty take. Have more respect instead of trying to dismiss people with shitty quips.

        • @MapleEngineer
          010 months ago

          No, it’s not. You have decided that we aren’t allowed to use word that you find offensive but that you don’t have to not use words that we find offensive. You’re a sanctimonious navel gazer. We’re going to ignore you now.

              • ram
                -210 months ago

                I ask you read my post, because you incorrectly assumed my position just because I told you to behave better.

                • @[email protected]
                  110 months ago

                  Damn, so, you only care about what you think, and don’t care about what other people think…

                  Jesu, gods, do you ever look like an entitled twat with that opinion.

                  • ram
                    110 months ago

                    I believe that I’ve put forward my own desire for understanding, as well as my own perspective to try and be understood. If you do not wish to achieve understanding, or to help me understand you, then there’s no discussion to be had. All you’re doing is hurling insults.

                • @MapleEngineer
                  110 months ago

                  I ignored your request because I don’t give a fuck what you think.

      • DessertStorms
        10 months ago

        So you’re openly a bigot, really something to be proud of. 🙄🙄

    • xe3
      10 months ago

      In an interpersonal (small group or 1 to 1) context, sure, I agree, if you know someone finds something offensive and you keep saying it, you are kinda being a dick (at the least) even if you don’t think you are being offensive.

      But beyond that… what you are saying is not is just not practical or reasonable. You can’t realistically stop using every word or phrase that someone somewhere finds offensive.

      We live in a time where everyone is offended by everything and everyone defaults to the righteous victim role (and this is not some veiled criticism of the left, the (American) left gets criticized for this all the time, but in my experience the right can be even worse (more easily offended, more fragile, more eager to play the victim, e.g. ‘war on christmas’, ‘christians are an oppressed minority’ and all that bullshit).

      My opinion is that you should not change your language because someone else is offended by it. You should listen when someone else is offended, try to understand, and be considerate. If you come to understand that what you said was innapropriate due to that conversation then change your language, but if you don’t agree, don’t change your language just be more considerate around that person because they are sensitive to it.

      • @[email protected]OP
        310 months ago

        It’s really not that many words. If you google ableist terms, you’ll find maybe what, ten? I think it’s reasonable to stop using ten words. What you’re saying by refusing to do so is that you don’t think that some people or groups deserve respect.

        Nobody is asking you to protest, or to write letters, change your diet, change what you do with your free time, change your job… Just stop using a few words. Hell, I’d be happy if you just considered cutting some words out of your vocabulary. If you’re at least willing to think about it, I think that’s reasonable. :)

    • DessertStorms
      -210 months ago

      People love having someone to feel superior to, that’s all it is. Some want to keep their oppressive language especially when they find out it’s harmful to others.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        How is the phrase falling on deaf ears oppressive. Am I living in opposite world now where that’s a slur people use to try to intimidate someone?

        • @MapleEngineer
          110 months ago

          They’re trolls from Hexbear. They like to label us as ableist and bigots because it makes them feel superior.