• @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Dude was arrested for showing everyone what trump was obligated to show, but illegally hid from everyone.

    This is America.

    • CrazyEddie041
      749 months ago

      Not to defend Trump in the slightest, but it was my understanding that the President isn’t actually required to release his taxes; it’s just a tradition that literally every other presidential candidate has conformed to. You know, to show that they’re trustworthy, which is why Trump never released his.

      • @[email protected]
        539 months ago

        Yep, Trump showed how much of the government actually runs on norms and traditions instead of actual laws. Even some of the laws that he did break (like the Presidential Records Act) don’t actually specify penalties because Congress assumed it wasn’t necessary.

        • @[email protected]
          49 months ago

          The funny thing is, his tax returns were fairly unremarkable. I’m a cpa and my background is largely with high and ultra high net worth individuals and their businesses, so people like trump are my bread and butter. I reviewed his returns when they first leaked and honestly nothing jumped out at me as particularly noteworthy or interesting at all. All I can speculate is that he’s just a stubborn asshole and simply didn’t want to release them.

          • @[email protected]
            69 months ago

            I always thought the big “issue” people were expecting wasnt that the tax returns were going to show anything illegal or noteworthy, but rather they would instead just show that he is worth way less than he goes around claiming.

            • @[email protected]
              19 months ago

              There was a lot of speculation about that but I’m not sure if there’s any consensus. Individual tax returns only show income, and business returns only show book values (not fair market value which would help determine wealth). He had pretty big net operating loss carryovers from previous years which essentially zeroed out his income for a few years, so it’s hard to say. I feel like I remember looking for foreign account disclosures but didn’t see them in the returns, which would be at least one set of FMV numbers to go with. It’s been a while since I looked though. Overall I walked away being disappointed so I’ll stick with my original assessment, maybe I take another look later today though.

        • UristMcHolland
          69 months ago

          And his plan for healthcare reform is going to be released next month too any time now.

      • @[email protected]
        89 months ago

        If you’re running for President, you either disclose your tax returns or you don’t run. The tradition is there for a reason. I fully support jury nullification for this Littlejohn guy.

      • @[email protected]
        119 months ago

        Yeah. How the hell can that not be a legal requirement for a position like “president”?

        It should be a requirement for any public office

          • @Alixxxaneveah
            59 months ago

            Turns out the founding fathers could not account for a situation where half the voting public wants everything to burn.