California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a new law on Wednesday that aims to stop other states from prosecuting doctors and pharmacists who mail abortion pills to patients in places where the procedure is banned. California already has a law protecting doctors who provide abortions from out-of-state judgments.

  • @[email protected]
    259 months ago

    That’s his whole point though. To a lot of Christians, abortion literally is comparable to murder. It doesn’t make sense, but that’s just how they see it. That’s why the arguments up thread don’t work on them.

    • @Test_Tickles
      159 months ago

      That sounds great and all, but the vast majority of anti-abortion Christians are pro murder. They hard core believe in the death penalty, and don’t care that innocent people have been murdered by the state. They would rather let children die of starvation rather than let even one person “take advantage” of the system. They have created programs to sterilize the poor and minorities, which is just abortion before the sex. They are hypocrites who only care about power and controlling others.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Yes, thank you.

      Growing up without the Catholic dogma and worldview thrust upon you from birth (and consequently playing a part of every action you ever make {unless you lose your faith}, and many thoughts you think) and trying to use the argument that abortion does NOT equal murder is like arguing with an alien. Because from a personal worldview lense, they absolutely do believe abortion = murder with every fiber of their being. It’s not enough to just say “no it’s not” or make really any argument that leads to that debate. It even affects the views of many ex-catholics who have religious trauma and have been through extensive therapy for it.

      No, to you and I, abortion is not murder. But trying to argue that is equal to them arguing to people like us (I assume) that gay people are not just, existing and normal, and not making a conscious decision to be gay. They think it’s due to trauma and all gay people are mentally ill and can be cured. However there’s no curing necessary. But they’ll argue until they’re blue in the face that it is. It’s the same level of worldview solidification.