Please try to be as active as you can. Don’t just come here, fap and then leave. Try to contribute and interact with the communities here. Because it’s not the numbers that will drive growth for Lemmy but the engagement. Even if you don’t want to contribute, you can always comment and interact by downvoting or upvoting posts.

We need to work together to ensure the best success we possibly can for Lemmy and the wider Fediverse.

Fuck Reddit, let’s all try to move away from that absolute shitshow.

On another note: If you can’t view the Lemmy NSFW communities, check out the other locally pinned post for some potential communities you could join.

Spread the Word about Lemmy NSFW if you can, as many instances don’t like hosting NSFW content.

Build your own Community. No fetish is too niche, try creating your own communities to help grow Lemmy NSFW further! (Make sure your community follows all instance-wide rules, though!).

  • Triple Underscore
    1 year ago

    In my personal opinion OF models are fine as long as:

    1. They don’t do those obnoxious titles full of emoji (or any other cheap attention grabs).
    2. Their posts are actually related to the community in question, possibly with more scrutiny applied compared to non-OF OC (as they have an incentive to spam as much communities as possible).

    But of course, this is a decision each community can (and IMO should) make for their own needs.

    • @LeftyAutisticKinkyMemer
      41 year ago

      I agree. Its very annoying when you go to someone’s page, they are on OF (not complaining, tbh everyone deserves to make bank if they’re going to put in the work and also expose themselves to the risk of being outed, i mean 99% of the time its girls so yeah) and you literally cannot see unique posts because they’ve spammed shit with the exact same title and content in like literally 20-30 subreddits (many of them barely related).

      I wouldn’t even care as much if they would at least make their own custom restricted subreddit with just their unique content so you could have one feed with the unique content instead of having to scroll and scroll. And its not like you can’t use stickies, there’s usually at least 3-4 and one of them always saying X% off (if something is perpetually 50% off, that’s not “off” that’s just the price, lol)