• @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    Maybe I’m a smooth brain - but I always thought private trackers were kept private/exclusive as a way of promoting seeding - the exclusivity of private trackers lowers risk/fear of seeding, so people seed, files are kept alive. - the ratios are a stick to enforce the rules and boot leechers. Centralizing seed logs with private trackers always gave me the creeps though.

    Honestly, it sounds like there’s essentially no risk of seeding on I2P. Wouldn’t more people be willing to seed in general? And wouldn’t that in turn obviate the need for private trackers?

    Alas, perhaps my smooth brain brings naivety along with it.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      This is a good point. I also feel like private trackers are meant for people who actually seed content they download, and just have good intentions to help share content. This also comes with hardware requirements (disk space) sometimes that not everyone has.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      Private trackers promote seeding, but people don’t seed for more reasons than getting caught. Public trackers are leechfests. Some of my public torrents, I have ratio 30 and I’m still the only seeder. Why should I bother with this, if nobody else will? I should put the torrent on a private tracker where other people will help spread it, and stop public seeding.