• @[email protected]
    1211 months ago

    Look on one hand its fucked up that student loans are this unaffordable.

    On the other hand, its actually pretty awesome that we possess the science to be able to do this process at all, such that women who normally would not be able to birth children now can through the help of another woman donating eggs.

    There’s a fuck tonne of women out there who really want kids and are devastated to learn they are infertile, and this provides a solution for them.

    Now, what would make this less of an orphan crusher would be if the government itself sponsored the process, so it was taxpayer money that funded the process instead of the infertile woman out of pocket.

    • @[email protected]
      -711 months ago

      on one hand it would be awesome if the govt just froze every womans eggs at like 18 years old, but then what would stop them from secretly building a prisoner/army/slave etc population?

      • Skull giver
        811 months ago

        what would stop them from secretly building a prisoner/army/slave etc population

        Probably the lack of living women to implant the fertilised eggs into.

        Also, egg donation is a pretty terrible process to go through, that’s why you get so much money for donating eggs in the first place. It involves surgery and can permanently affect your fertility if something goes wrong. it would not be “awesome if the govt just froze every womans eggs at like 18 years old”

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          We’re not far off from artificial wombs, though. In principle, once they get invented, governments and rich people will start doing this, and extremely misogynistic countries will start killing off women since they would no longer be needed to make babies.

            • @[email protected]
              111 months ago

              Robot Stepford wives are also very close to becoming reality. Women could very well be replaced.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              It’s so heinous to think about – the fact that it’s possible for a country to forcibly cut a woman open and suck out her egg cells against her will is such B-level horror movie shit and yet it’s so plausible. It’s nauseating. Why even have women if all they’re going to be is subjugated with no real chance to have any agency? Why would evolution favor such an evil situation?