• @[email protected]
    968 months ago

    It’s not like men that jizz in a cup. It involves giving yourself injections and a procedure to remove the egg, with recovery time.

    • @[email protected]
      788 months ago

      The process makes you extremely fertile and often comes with crazy mood swings. Plus you have to be marketable, which involves an interview process where you prove you’re healthy, attractive, not fat, free of mental/physical illness, and have good family history. They often want competitive GPA and IQ scores.

      • @[email protected]
        518 months ago

        This is the most dystopian capitalistic eugenetics I have ever heard. I am happy it is illegal where I live

      • @[email protected]
        138 months ago

        Plus you have to be marketable, which involves an interview process where you prove you’re healthy, attractive, not fat, free of mental/physical illness, and have good family history.

        That has to be true for men as well, right?

        • @[email protected]
          118 months ago

          It depends on the facility, but typically the requirements are less stringent. Many just require a disease screening and questionnaire about hobbies and whatnot. Once approved, men get paid per sample collected. Typically, clients will review details about donors and select from available samples.

          For egg donation, women must first be approved by an agency, then selected by a client. Agencies commonly boast ~90% rejection rates as a selling point, then there’s no guarantee that one will ever be selected by a client. Some women may be interviewed by multiple families and never get selected or compensated.

    • @Gimpydude
      108 months ago

      Yes, but in this context ‘donated’ is used in the biological sense, not financial. She sold her eggs, but she is the egg donor.

  • downpunxx
    618 months ago
    1. If You Got Paid You Didn’t Donate. That’s Not What That Word Means.
    2. See number 1
    • Hegar
      518 months ago

      The name of the process is egg donation. It’s called egg donation because she is the donor.

      That is what the word means.

      • @[email protected]
        -108 months ago

        She sold her eggs. Correctly phrasing it should be she sold her collected eggs as a donor. Using the word donation implies a different meaning in this context.

        • Hegar
          248 months ago

          Using the word donation implies a different meaning in this context.

          The word donation means something different in other contexts, but not in this one. Someone who sells their eggs is an egg donor. The procecess is egg donation.

          In this context, donation does not imply no financial remuneration as it does in other contexts.

  • @[email protected]
    388 months ago

    Closer and closer to that dystopian future where selling your body parts for money and cybernetic replacements happens - except we don’t get the cool 2077 future and replacement parts.

  • magnetosphere
    308 months ago

    This is such an utterly perfect example of life in America that I am stunned.

    Excellent pick, OP!

    • @[email protected]
      98 months ago

      Except she didn’t go to school in America. Instead she “enrolled in a program at the London School of Economics and Political Science as an international student.”

      • Skull giver
        68 months ago

        Looking at the author’s career, I’m not surprised she hasn’t been able to pay off her loans. Going to one of the most prestigious universities in the world isn’t cheap, and freelance writing and political charity from third world countries aren’t careers known for the return on investment they bring.

        I’m not sure what kind of jobs a masters in “Comparative Politics” is supposed to net you, but I can’t imagine anyone taking out these loans without realising that they’ll be in debt for a long time. The estimated £81k will take you a long time to pay back even with a good job and without the interest. This is after her parents already paid for her first years of studying and traveling the world.

        Even if tuition was completely free, she’d still need to get £30k from somewhere to cover her living expenses for those two years. The money charged for higher education in many countries is absurd, but don’t write “my master’s degree from a well-respected university still holds a lot of weight” when you chose to waste so much money on an academic spirit journey.

        You can spend six years to become the best poet in the world, but if you can’t support yourself for that time, maybe pick another career path.

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          That might be true in our hellscape, but it is in no way valid. It’s entirely the society’s fault for not creating the material conditions that would allow all people including her to live in comfort to study such things.

          • Skull giver
            48 months ago

            In a Star Trek post-scarcity world, I would totally agree, make all forms of education free.

            However, the in real life, the UK government is investing tens of billions into their higher education, and unless foreign governments offer to match that investment for their citizens, foreign students will have to pay the difference out of pocket.

            If students of these universities were to remain in the countries they studied and contributed back to the local economy, I would agree with programmes to pay these loans back over the years, but students like her take off and go home after getting their degree. The UK is pretty shit in terms of tuitions already, but expecting them to pay up for foreigners would be absolutely ridiculous.

            This isn’t some kind of scheme where a poor kid couldn’t afford their local community college, this was someone choosing to go to a top-10 university in a field that they knew they wouldn’t make much money in.

            I feel bad for the Indian foreign student whose family banded together to get a loan so their daughter/son/nephew/niece could rise out of poverty and bring prosperity back to their family, not so much for the American adult who decided to take out a life-altering loan for a life of badly paid charity work, running university studies, and freelance writing.

            • my_hat_stinks
              38 months ago

              You’ve said UK a couple of times there but I don’t think that’s what you meant. In Scotland for instance tuition is paid for by a government body with no expectation to pay it back, you’ll normally get your fees paid for your first run through University plus one repeat year if needed. Additional grants and bursaries are available if required, and student loans are also available if you still can’t cover living expenses.

                • my_hat_stinks
                  18 months ago

                  I’m not too sure on the details so I could be wrong, but my understanding of the residency requirements is that you need to be either a UK national or settled immigrant and have been living anywhere in the UK for a few years. You’ll also need to be living in Scotland specifically when the course starts.
                  If you’re moving to Scotland just to study you’ll have to pay out of pocket, but if you’re in Scotland long-term you’re probably fine. I’d recommend speaking to an advisor to be sure.

          • oo1
            18 months ago

            I’d rather not live in a society that allows anyone to study in the London School of Eliteism.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        Oh don’t really feel so bad for her than. She wants to be an economist she should live in the world the economists are building

  • @[email protected]
    178 months ago

    It’s so stupid and shortsighted to create these huge financial barriers that make it incredibly difficult for people to afford a higher education. Educated citizens create better lives for everyone.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      Thanks to my parents, I was free of undergraduate student loans, so I thought taking on student loans for my master’s degree wouldn’t be the worst decision. I enrolled in a program at the London School of Economics and Political Science as an international student.

      Yeah, I don’t think “the rich” are on the hook for this person’s debt

  • @[email protected]
    128 months ago

    Look on one hand its fucked up that student loans are this unaffordable.

    On the other hand, its actually pretty awesome that we possess the science to be able to do this process at all, such that women who normally would not be able to birth children now can through the help of another woman donating eggs.

    There’s a fuck tonne of women out there who really want kids and are devastated to learn they are infertile, and this provides a solution for them.

    Now, what would make this less of an orphan crusher would be if the government itself sponsored the process, so it was taxpayer money that funded the process instead of the infertile woman out of pocket.

    • @[email protected]
      -78 months ago

      on one hand it would be awesome if the govt just froze every womans eggs at like 18 years old, but then what would stop them from secretly building a prisoner/army/slave etc population?

      • Skull giver
        88 months ago

        what would stop them from secretly building a prisoner/army/slave etc population

        Probably the lack of living women to implant the fertilised eggs into.

        Also, egg donation is a pretty terrible process to go through, that’s why you get so much money for donating eggs in the first place. It involves surgery and can permanently affect your fertility if something goes wrong. it would not be “awesome if the govt just froze every womans eggs at like 18 years old”

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          We’re not far off from artificial wombs, though. In principle, once they get invented, governments and rich people will start doing this, and extremely misogynistic countries will start killing off women since they would no longer be needed to make babies.

            • @[email protected]
              18 months ago

              Robot Stepford wives are also very close to becoming reality. Women could very well be replaced.

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              It’s so heinous to think about – the fact that it’s possible for a country to forcibly cut a woman open and suck out her egg cells against her will is such B-level horror movie shit and yet it’s so plausible. It’s nauseating. Why even have women if all they’re going to be is subjugated with no real chance to have any agency? Why would evolution favor such an evil situation?

  • @[email protected]
    78 months ago

    Tough. Rasing chickens and not even being able to have some eggs from them really sucks. Hope you can get some next time they lay

  • Sigilos
    48 months ago

    Then you didn’t donate anything, you sold it.

    “I sold some of my own body parts to try and escape crushing debt.”

    There, fixed that for you. Unfortunately, many of us are in the same boat, so I sincerely hope you can escape now, good luck.