• @[email protected]
    98 months ago

    Yes you’re still bad because you could literally just eat beans but you go out and intentionally murder animals instead.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      I have autism I couldn’t eat beans

      Edit: I’ve starved myself for weeks before on things like school trips simply because there wasn’t any food I could eat so when I say couldn’t I’m not exaggerating

      Edit 2: I tried eating nuts for protein because I don’t eat enough but I think I developed some form of allergy because I binge ate them because I liked them so much. I’ve tried other solutions just a heads up

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          I have sensory issues. Autism is a sensory disability which can cause sensory overload from things like bright lights, loud sounds or even certain textures like baked beans. I literally cannot live a normal life and just do things like eat baked beans in the same way a depressed person can’t just be happy

          The only foods I’ve eaten in the past few weeks is bread sometimes I have it with tomato. I am an extremely picky eater and not by choice

          Edit: I’m actually curious abt this because I struggle to believe someone doesn’t know what autism is especially on lemmy but would u rather me starve because of a condition that I have no control over?

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            I know what autism is and I of course don’t want you to starve, I just had no idea what you meant when you said that you couldn’t eat beans because of it.

            FWIW I don’t like eating baked beans by themselves, either. Are you okay with beans as an ingredient, like in soup, chili, or burritos?

            • @[email protected]
              18 months ago

              I don’t like soup or chilli, I haven’t tried burritos. I’d imagine I’d like just the bread bit and with tomatoes but the more ingredients added the less likely I’d be able to eat it. Tbh I don’t like complex foods in general they “confuse” my taste buds if that makes sense. Adding food to mask the flavours and textures of another food is more likely to make me associate the liked food with the disliked food and begin disliking the previously liked one rather than make it tolerable