Any critiques, desire for clarity, outright hatred, whatever have you. I will respond the best I can.

I know there’s been some blowback on some of the policy updates but it’s been difficult to really explain fully that the restrictive content policy is temporary, this community was very unmanaged for a time and it had to be reigned in somehow and with the limited tools at disposal the temporary policy changes were made.

Here’s a comment that also explains a little bit behind the decisions made recently as well.

For community mods, we have a community mod coord matrix group chat now. Feel free to DM about it.

Also, there’s another ongoing discussion regarding SFW communities on lemmyNSFW here.

  • @wankbank
    81 year ago

    I’d definitely post more from there if the embed was as nice as e.g. using RES.

    • b9999998
      71 year ago

      Very true. Currently Red gifs links are very cumbersome to view.

    • @ZippityDoody
      51 year ago

      Yeah, same… I even opened a couple of communities I already mod on Reddit, but I don’t feel like posting even in there because it seems kinda pointless if it just shows as a list of links. I like pictures but porn is at its best in video form imho… and right now there is no good enough way to post a porn clip, which is definitely an issue on a porn-focused instance…