Any critiques, desire for clarity, outright hatred, whatever have you. I will respond the best I can.

I know there’s been some blowback on some of the policy updates but it’s been difficult to really explain fully that the restrictive content policy is temporary, this community was very unmanaged for a time and it had to be reigned in somehow and with the limited tools at disposal the temporary policy changes were made.

Here’s a comment that also explains a little bit behind the decisions made recently as well.

For community mods, we have a community mod coord matrix group chat now. Feel free to DM about it.

Also, there’s another ongoing discussion regarding SFW communities on lemmyNSFW here.

  • @LimeeyM
    81 year ago

    I agree, tbh I didn’t see it coming at all, he was engaging in the conversations and I was under the impression he was a core sysadmin, and then suddenly he left. If anything, he and I were on the same page, and I thought we made our points articulately and well, and in the end I think we made good convincing arguments that resulted in a completely new rule set by the time I woke up this morning. And, in my opinion, that rule set DRAFT is much better.

    The reality is that none of us really know each other, no one has met face to face, and really barely anyone is in the same country. We have different ideals, different goals, and different ways of handling frustration and stress. I don’t really get why he did what he did, but all we can do is the best we can do.

    • @LimeeyM
      1 year ago

      Believe me, we all were caught very by surprise. I said elsewhere, but he and I were totally on the same page, and we made our points and they were largely accepted. Absolutely nothing was set in stone, and the most recent draft I was sent, while not perfect, has almost none of the language he was referring to.

      edit: hm this didn’t get posted under the right comment. my mobile app is failing me!