Vaccines can be delivered through the skin using ultrasound. This method doesn’t damage the skin and eliminates the need for painful needles. To create a needle-free vaccine, Darcy Dunn-Lawless at the University of Oxford and his colleagues mixed vaccine molecules with tiny, cup-shaped proteins. They then applied liquid mixture to the skin of mice and exposed it to ultrasound – like that used for sonograms – for about a minute and a half.

  • @[email protected]
    010 months ago

    Also consider the people who have needle phobias. My heart starts to race before getting a vaccine. If I have to give a blood sample I will faint.

    I’m getting woozy talking about this.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      That’s weird. My heartrate and blood pressure go down before getting a shot.

      Then I go down, and feel like death for a day and like I’m in rehab for a week.

      Funny thing, I’m not really getting woozy talking about it (a little, but more sympathetic memory of it).