• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    7 months ago

    The actual point the article makes is that people who immigrate to Canada are now leaving. What the article is saying is that Canada is becoming less attractive place to immigrate to, and increasing percentage of people who have immigrated to Canada are leaving. The fact that emigration from Canada hasn’t hit the point it was at in the 90s isn’t all that relevant here, it’s the direction of travel that matters.

    Furthermore, vast majority of emigration from Canada was to the US, and the fact that less people are moving to US is more of a factor of US becoming unlivable than people choosing to stay in Canada because conditions in Canada are improving. The benefit of moving to US and getting much higher pay than before simply doesn’t exist today.

    • @[email protected]
      97 months ago

      You mean that tiny uptick in percentage, after an unprecedented drop surrounding a global pandemic? That ~0.02% change? The second-lowest rate of emigration since 1990? The rate, which has actually ticked slightly downward in the last year - going by the graph in the article?

      The data in this article only looks bad from one very narrow and very specific angle. From every other perspective, it’s a story of success for immigrants, showing that Canada is retaining newcomers at a rate that hasn’t been seen in over 30 years.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
        -47 months ago

        There are two separate statistics here. One is the overall emigration rate from Canada and the second is emigration rate of immigrants. You’re using overall emigration rate which is predominantly Canadians moving to the states.

        • @[email protected]
          37 months ago

          Actually, the article doesn’t give any other more relevant statistics, besides an offhand mention of a report from the ICC. I’m just going from the data provided here.

          This article is recklessly sloppy at best - deliberately misleading at worst.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
            -67 months ago

            Care to explain what motivation you believe Reuters has to publish a malicious misleading article about Canada. This frankly sounds like a weird conspiracy theory.

            • @[email protected]
              47 months ago

              I legitimately don’t know, I normally consider Reuters to be a good source of news, or I wouldn’t have bothered clicking it in the first place.

              I don’t think they necessarily have some grand plan, but I can’t just idly accept them telling us our country is in decline when their own data is telling the exact opposite story.

              If anything, I guess I question their motives here because I believe they’re competent. If this was some random blog, I’d write it off as ignorance.