• @samokosik
    -27 months ago

    There is a saying which says: “If israel puts down the weapons, there will be genocide whilst if Hamas puts down weapons, there will be peace.”

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      Israel has been in violation of the GCIV since 2007, it’s been a globally recognized humanitarian crisis, and an extremely successful genocide/ethnic cleansing.

      Israel has killed over 10x as many Palestinians compared to all pro-Palestinian groups combined (not just Hamas) since the year 2000. Since (and including) October 7th, Israel has killed 18,000 people (8000 children) Palestinians. Hamas has killed around 1200 people.

      Maybe you think, like the Israeli defense minister that the killing of thousands of innocent children is justified because we’re dealing with “human animals”. The goal being to objectify Palestinians the same way we objectify non-human animals, so they can be slaughtered just as ruthlessly and effectively.

      The formation of the genocidal state of Israel, which happened so recently that our current president was alive, involved the forceful removal and ethnic cleansing of almost a million native Palestinians.

      We’re far enough removed from the ethnic cleansing of native Americans in the U.S that most people recognize it was wrong for Europeans to invade, colonize, and genocide the native population, but when we see the exact same thing happening in our lifetimes, people like yourself happily back settler colonialism. It’s genuinely fucking astounding.

      • @samokosik
        17 months ago

        The issue with genocide is that it does not exist. Explain me how there can be a genocide if the population of Palestinians steadily rose throughout last 70 years with small dips during the escalations*. It is not like during WWII when after 5 years, there were 30% less Jews (and 60% less Jews in Europe). You also called this genocide extremely successful. So let me give you a simple question: suppose you are Israel in 1940s and you want to get rid of 2 million Palestinians (so the number of living Palestinians is 0). After 70 years, you end up with 5 million Palestinians. Would you consider this a success?

        Furthermore, I do not consider killing of innocent children justified. I also doubt that Israel does their best to limit the number of civilian causalities. Palestinians are human beings just like every other human being. However, we need to ask ourselves why so many Palestinians died and how many lives could have been saved if Hamas built shelters and let civilians hide underground. I also believe that those 1200 killed Israelis are also Israel’s fault because they failed to protect their civilians by ignoring warnings and the Jericho Wall paper.

        *Yes, there are more Palestinian than Israeli deaths. There were also more deaths on German side than on Britain’s in the WWII. Does it now mean that the true oppressors were Britons and true oppressed were Germans? The whole logic that the weaker ones are always the oppressed ones is just so flawed. Instead, you should rather check how many escalations were started by Israel and how many were started by one of Arab groups. And I think it is quite logical that when you have stronger opponent, you will be the one with more damage.