• @[email protected]
    429 months ago

    Yup. Ending genocide is not on the ballot. Keeping American democracy on life support is on the ballot. And if we lose it because of this childish bullshit, abstainers in 2023 are to blame. You’re as useless as the Dem voters we’re already desperately trying to activate off the couch. Worst part is you’re doing it on purpose. You’re voting for Trump. It doesn’t matter how you feel. This is a fact. We’re hanging on by a thread and you’re whining to your own comrades about your feelings and discomfort. Vote far left down ballot. Elect a democratic president. Otherwise fuck yourself, your words mean literally nothing when you’re hauled off to camp from your family or put on the wall. Thanks for your opinions.

    • queermunist she/her
      -199 months ago

      America has never been a democracy. 🙄

      Also, I’m not voting for Trump! I’m even voting left down ballot, I’m just not voting for Biden specifically.

      If Trump wins and Democrats control both chambers, what the hell can he even do? Bloviate? I guess maybe he’ll do some executive orders that the 6-3 Court will uphold, but if Democrats aren’t worthless cowards they’ll just refuse to enforce his orders and it won’t matter anyway.

        • queermunist she/her
          9 months ago

          There’s no guarantee we won’t already be in WW3 before the election (Israel is trying its best) so it’s hard to game things out that far.

          Also, Trump has praised Hezbollah’s military. The guy is a clown and just says whatever pops in his head.

            • queermunist she/her
              -29 months ago

              There are so many issues that I oppose Biden on, this isn’t single issue. After betraying the railroad workers, after betraying migrants and refugees, after betraying over-policed and hyper-incarcerated minorities, how can I just accept yet another thing to hate about Biden? When will it end? I will not lay down and let him have his way with me because Trump is worse.

              This is just the red line. Here and no further. If you let Biden do anything he wants to you and beg for more, why would he ever stop?

    • @[email protected]
      -209 months ago

      Vote for this one person to save democracy or go fuck yourself.

      Sounds like a really healthy democracy you’ve got there. 🙄

      Anyway, the reason we’re in this position is because everyone who voted for Biden in the 2020 primaries is a complete asshole who intentionally fucked over progressive and leftist efforts. Now they’re mad we won’t show up for him in the general? Get fucked.

      • Drusas
        269 months ago

        Nobody is saying that we have a healthy democracy. In fact, just the opposite: they are pointing out that we do not and that is why we are on such thin ice.

        • @[email protected]
          39 months ago

          And yet, when it came time to select the Democrat nominee millions of people were like “I know we’re on thin ice but I’m still going to vote for the procorporate trash candidate.”

          People who voted for Biden in the primaries are fucking assholes.

          • Drusas
            139 months ago

            That’s more of a DNC decision. It’s traditional for both parties to run their incumbent candidate because the incumbent usually wins.

            • UristMcHolland
              19 months ago

              Bernie was buy-and-large the most popular candidate in 2016. Mainstream media all but refused to put him on air(He was bad for business, i.e. for millionaires/billionaire executives). The DNC completely fucked us when they still elected to put Hillary on the ballot; even with the GOP colluding with the FBI to investigate her, whether or not that was legitimate is irrelevant. The DNC fucked us. And yet… Like others have said, our democracy is currently so fragile that we have no real other choice other than to vote D straight down the ballot.

              The only other possible option would be for a major of the country to write-in the same person in the primary election and then for that person to register as an official candidate and then run in the general election and win. The vast majority of states require a candidate to be registered for them to be a write-in. And good fucking luck convincing a majority of this country to agree on one person. Personally, if that were to happen I would proudly write-in Jon Stewart.

              Biden hasn’t been that bad. Not bad enough to risk never getting to vote again.

                • @[email protected]
                  09 months ago

                  I didn’t have any question no. But the people who are telling me I have to vote for Biden regularly assure me democracy is functioning.

                  • @[email protected]
                    29 months ago

                    But the people who are telling me I have to vote for Biden regularly assure me democracy is functioning.

                    It’s so ridiculous. I’ll vote for him because I think it’s currently the best option of two entire options in a very broken system, but we really need to do something to get rid of “vote blue no matter who” because it’s goddamn ridiculous. It’s like careening wildly from one side of the highway to the other while screaming “this is fine!”

                    I’m all for election reform. I think it’s our only way out of this.

              • @[email protected]
                9 months ago

                First time?

                A) The incumbent party always runs the sitting president if they are eligible for another term. That’s not rigging, it’s literally how it works.

                B) Yes, the DNC rigs the primaries. Did you already forget when the DNC forced Hillary on us in 2016? Hell, if you’re asking that question than you obviously already forgot 2016, so of course you don’t even remember 2020.

                C) For someone with such strong opinions, you don’t seem to know much about the process. Seriously, is this your first time paying attention? Or is this your first time as an eligible voter?

              • @[email protected]
                19 months ago

                Who said they’re not. But that has nothing to do with you choosing to elect Trump. That’s just you being a bad loser pathetic whiney bitch.

                • @[email protected]
                  19 months ago

                  Lol. Like all the bad loser pathetic whiney bitches who were big mad when we didn’t show up for Hillary? Stop voting for procorporate trash in the primaries.

            • @[email protected]
              -49 months ago

              Call me whatever you want. If you don’t need my vote ignore me. If you need my vote then fucking pay attention.

              • @[email protected]
                29 months ago

                In all of your comments, I’ve yet to see you propose a solution to prevent the end of our democracy. Just complaining it’s not enough of a democracy.

                How does letting Trump get elected get you closer to your goals, not further?

                • @[email protected]
                  -29 months ago

                  It’s not my responsibility to propose a solution to prevent the end of democracy. It’s the responsibility of everyone who voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 primaries why they’re such pieces of shit.

                  • @[email protected]
                    09 months ago

                    So you really are just here to whine and make a point of detracting people from stopping Trump’s victory. You really do suck. I felt bad for being a dick. But you’re worthless and selfish.

        • @[email protected]
          -49 months ago

          When will we have a choice? Tell me how many more times I’m morally obligated to vote for your piece of shit candidate?

        • @[email protected]
          -89 months ago

          People had a choice in the 2020 primaries and they chose procorporate trash Joe Biden. That’s on them for picking a shit candidate. Not me.

            • @[email protected]
              -59 months ago

              I do not give a fuck. What are you not understanding here? What did you people not fucking get in 2016? Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to test us again by voting for Joe fucking Biden in the 2020 primaries. Fuck all of those people. They actively fought us and proved we’re not on the same side.

              • @[email protected]
                09 months ago

                Wah wah wah wah this is hard and didn’t go my way so I’m gonna whine and fuck everyone even harder, my fellow victims included. So we should get sent to the fucking chamber and women made breeding machines bc you’re a whiney bitch. If you’re not gonna help, go get hit by a bus instead of bringing the rest of us down. You’re disgusting and sad.

                • @[email protected]
                  09 months ago

                  Welcome to Democracy. You aren’t entitled to my vote. If you need it then make better choices in the primaries. If you don’t need my vote continue voting for procorporate trash and then crying when they lose in the general election.

      • @[email protected]
        09 months ago

        “democracy is on life support”… yeah… didn’t say this was healthy. Thanks for demonstrating the problem with binary zero sum game thinking. You’re not grounded in reality if you can’t see we’re on life support. You don’t give a dying person meth and have them run a marathon. You hold on for dear life.

        And fwiw wrt primaries… I voted against him. I voted against Hillary. I even voted against Pelosi for being too conservative. You’re fighting your comrades and the movement and that’s why you’re in the wrong and you don’t mean anything. Your politics and intellectualism mean nothing with the barrel of a gun between your eyes. Get your head out of your ass and vote against fascism. Or be a baby and have my friends and family killed in a few years. But I should get fucked. Thanks comrade. I’ll think about this comment looking out the window of the train at my kid for the last time. I’ll forever remember your vote, when I work to death in that mine, picturing my child screaming and crying the last time they see me.