“There have been racial barriers, and it has been challenging to be accepted as Japanese.”

That’s what a tearful Carolina Shiino said in impeccable Japanese after she was crowned Miss Japan on Monday.

The 26-year-old model, who was born in Ukraine, moved to Japan at the age of five and was raised in Nagoya.

She is the first naturalised Japanese citizen to win the pageant, but her victory has re-ignited a debate on what it means to be Japanese.

While some recognised her victory as a “sign of the times”, others have said she does not look like what a “Miss Japan” should.

  • LanternEverywhere
    5 months ago

    What the heck are you talking about. Beauty pageants aren’t about ethnicity. This is farrrrr from the first time that a pageant winner is a different ethnicity than the predominant ethnicity of a country.

      • 520
        5 months ago

        Oh fucking get over yourself.

        The Japanese are hardly an oppressed people, at least by outsiders. They’re a first world country. With their own customs and culture.

        The only dangers to their identity have been those of their own societal making.

        Japan’s native population has been in critical freefall for a long time not because of any white person interference, but because their culture has become increasingly incompatible with family life for a significant amount of their population. If you thought America had an out-of-whack work culture, your jaw would hit the floor when you see what salarymen and salarywomen over there go through.

        It’s not like they’ve been pushed out by a colonial force with some manifest destiny bullshit. The problem here simply isn’t whitey.

          • 520
            5 months ago

            They’re being forced, by nothing more than the mere reality of their situation, to accept outside culture because their societal failures have led to their own population death spiral.

            No one forced their hand or made them take on such damaging traditions and policies. No one is forcing the Japanese to take on elements of other cultures.

            Try doing a bit of research before spouting nonsense theories.

          • FaceDeer
            45 months ago

            They are being “forced” to accept outside culture because their inside culture has led them to a demographic death spiral. Not by any action initiated by outsiders. If outsiders were capable of forcing Japanese culture to change there are plenty of other things that would be changing that aren’t.

            They could always choose to continue following that spiral to oblivion, I suppose. Or they could reform the aspects of their culture that have led them there. Accepting immigration is one of the ways they could do that.

          • @[email protected]
            205 months ago

            Whitewashing… you keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

            White washing means to attempt to change history to make something seem less bad than it actually was, or who someone was.

            Do you mean cultural appropriation? Though saying it like that kinda damns your point of view.

              • @[email protected]
                105 months ago

                Oh golly, please amalgamate a term for it right now. You’re clearly the best person for the job with your enlightened (read: narrow) view of race.

                  • @[email protected]
                    45 months ago

                    Why do you give such a fuck about this? When we say someone is “American” it just means they live here. The same should go for every other country.

                    You’re just a racist troll.

                • @[email protected]M
                  15 months ago

                  Removed under rule 5:

                  Rule 5: Keep it civil. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (perjorative, perjorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (perjorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!