• @[email protected]
    118 months ago

    I can’t imagine how sad you life must be to waste your time trolling on lemmy. But I hope the angry replies you get help you with your attention issues.

    • @[email protected]
      118 months ago

      It’s not a waste of time to stand up for the truth and not a waste of time to stand up for the rights and principles you believe in.

      • @[email protected]
        148 months ago

        My dude, your post history is public. Anyone can go there and see you’re just a troll that says controversial shit to get a rise out of people. You can keep up the act if you want, but no one is buying it.

        Just go play roblox or something instead. It’s a better use of your time kid.

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          Labeling everything you don’t agree with as controversial and trolling is just a lame attempt at limiting what can be considered acceptable discourse.

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            Well it’s a good thing there’s plenty of things I disagree with that I call trolling then isn’t it. Just because I call YOU out on being a edgy troll, doesn’t mean I say the same about anything and everything.

            Its the typical right wing argument of “not EvErYoNe YoU dIsAgReE wItH are NaZis” when no one is doing that.

            The only people I call trolls are the blindingly obvious ones like yourself that a clearly saying whatever nonsense gets you rage-based engagement. And honestly the other possibility, that you are actually a real human being that fully believes the fucking r worded bullshit you type, is just too depressing to even consider it as a possibility, I refuse to believe anyone is that combination of braindead and pathetic.