• @[email protected]
    226 months ago

    i dislike her with a passion, but I’m not sure what this ‘journalism’ is looking to accomplish. If it was a uncontestably large amount of money and I think this could be a worthwhile article, but given their salaries and the money that they get from donors, I am not sure what the purpose of the article is outside of trying to poke fun at someone who is making poor financial decisions and try to get them on record with exactly how much money they lost.

    • @[email protected]
      916 months ago

      You don’t think it’s noteworthy that Members of Congress are buying stock in a Presidential Candidate’s company? Especially after the big deal that Republicans made out of the Clintons’ involvement in Whitewater Development?

      • @[email protected]
        46 months ago

        Maybe if they had insider information or something that led to them making a guaranteed profit. Otherwise, it’s just inept speculation.

        • @[email protected]
          266 months ago

          I think it’s less that they have insider information and more that they assume they have enough power to coup the government. Nancy Pelosi is a fucking asshole for her technically not illegal insider trading from watching upcoming government actions. MTG bought this stock and will work hard to subvert democracy to make it valuable - she isn’t reading trends she’s intending to force them.

        • @[email protected]
          146 months ago

          It’s representative of a departure from a sociable more that’s existed since the beginning of the USA: presidents should not have business interests that could in fact or perception impede their ability to conduct themselves in the best interests of the nation. Furthermore they should not have them because they are an avenue for people to buy favour. Maybe I can’t just GIVE the president a billion dollars, but if they’re a major shareholder on a corporation, I could apply my wealth to add buy pressure which raises the value of the presidents holdings, for which a president may be “very grateful”.

          Talking about how this has never been accepted is fair. Pointing out the people participating in this is also fair. It IS news.

    • gregorum
      6 months ago

      Is this chivalry? For Marjorie Taylor Greene‽ Pray tell, what has she done to deserve such generosity from you? And why shouldn’t she endure a bit of public pillorying for her poorly-favored investment in Trump’s ill-fated hate platform, especially considering that it’s a congressperson personally enriching a presidential candidate?

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        Chivalry doesn’t start w/ “I dislike you with a passion”

        I think the issue is that as a very left-leaning individual, I’m less concerned about laughing at inept financial decisions and more concerned about policy and ways to ensure she never serves in office again.

        This idea that “if they are losing we must be winning” is a brand of liberalism that hasn’t been as rampant pre-Trump. It feels like people are stooping to the level of Republicans and get off on schadenfreude instead of actual progressive policy and impact

        • gregorum
          6 months ago

          I’m pretty sure that pointing out her obvious and blatant political corruption - not to mention the hypocrisy in it considering her vitriolic attacks on the Biden family - is certainly in the public interest and more than leftist stooping low. And, pardon me, but what’s wrong with a bit of well-earned schadendfruede at the likes of her?

        • @[email protected]
          26 months ago

          “chivalry” in many cases is perpetrated by people who absolutely despise the targets of their chivalry. Call it caping, call it centrism, call it civility, whatever modality strikes your fancy. MGT is a odious human being responsible for a ton of harm, I don’t care if she gave her last fiver to trump and he wiped his ass with it, it should be mocked. (And she didn’t, she’s profited in numerous ways off the backs of the people, so no tears need shedding here)

    • @[email protected]
      136 months ago

      Anything that denigrates that troglodyte of a woman is fine by me. Poke all the fun you can. Fuck that stupid cunt.