Misread the title of the other post which made me think of this question.

I, as a male, have had multiple women ask me how we ride bikes without smashing our balls.

  • @[email protected]
    199 months ago

    Honestly with how oblivious most men are to the amount of work the average mother does, this is not a weird or stupid question. Insensitive, sure. Traditional gender roles still spill over into conversation, especially with older folks. The absolute least a father can do is aim to carry an equal share of the load of having children. The bitter reality is that this does not happen nearly as much as it should, hence comments like these.

    Moms are underrated as fuck.

    • @[email protected]
      99 months ago

      The absolute least a father can do

      I find that these “bare minimum” assertions often crumble upon contact with any real-life scenario

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Absolutely. That bare minimum is a distant unreachable fantasy for some married moms I know.

        I don’t get it myself. I wanted to be a father for a long time and since I became one I’ve been loving it. Because you know, I wanted the relationship and all that rather than “you’re supposed to have kids.” It’s sad enough when people do that with dogs, never mind tiny vulnerable humans.