• @[email protected]
    38 days ago

    Interesting that they considered banning Atraxa or Knight-Errant from Standard. While I wouldn’t shed a tear for either one, I can’t honestly say that the format is unbalanced right now. Those decks are strong but beatable, and their metagame shares are reasonable.

    In fact, I’ve been playing Poison Burn for so long that I actually look forward to facing Domain Ramp. And I think losing the triomes, and thus the potential for turn-two Leylines, will slow the deck down by a lot.

    On the other hand, I don’t understand the argument that losing Voldaren Epicure will significantly hurt Boros Convoke. I hardly ever see that deck play Knight-Errant on turn 2, and yet I still lose to it plenty. If I could ban one card from the deck, I’d choose Imodane’s Recruiter, or maybe Warden of the Inner Sky.

    • @Semjaza
      28 days ago

      Epicure means that they have two different 1 drops that make an artifact which they can turn into 3 goblins the following turn.

      With only one 1 drop, there probably isn’t the value in running Gleeful Demolition. Which makes their starts much less explosive.

      • @[email protected]
        28 days ago

        Yeah, but they can go up to four copies of Yotian Frontliner. It’s not as good, but I don’t think it’s bad enough to sink the deck. And that’s assuming that neither color gets an artifact-producing one-drop in the next set. Or lands that make it viable to go into a third color for Spyglass Siren.

        • @Semjaza
          28 days ago

          I think fixing will be much less good with rotation, at least initially. Plus fixing needs to be really good to make splashing a 1 drop viable.

          I also don’t think it will sink the deck, but I do think it makes it notably worse.

          You’re right that demolishing their own Yotian Frontliner post combat, or even the turn you play it after tapping it to something might still be good enough though.