• @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    They included everyone who has been excluded from the beginning and made a statement that they will not pander to those who want them excluded anymore. Those who were angry at this are those who wanted to keep these people excluded. I’d say it’s a pace in a good direction to bring people together. There is only a group of people who will need to learn they can’t force their way on others anymore.

    For crying out loud had these people had their way again we wouldn’t even have had that badass metal music show in front of the Bastille Conciergerie, where Marie Antoinette was trialed and sentenced to death.

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      badass metal music show in front of the Bastille.

      Didn’t realize that was in front of the Bastille, you can’t get more anti authoritarian than that.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        My bad, the building it took place at was La Conciergeie, which is the location where Marie Antoinette was trialed and sentenced to death. The Bastille no longer exists.

        But I mean, the anti-authoritarian vibe immediately peaked at the beginning with a beheaded Marie-Antoinette singing about hanging the aristocrats.

      • @leftzero
        28 months ago

        you can’t get more anti authoritarian than that

        You could drown Macron in the Seine, to start with. (I mean, he’d probably suffocate rather than drown, but still.)