Y’all know the drill, my horny friends. Share and share alike.

  • @dazedandconfusedOP
    416 days ago

    Do you remember which episodes of TNG? Or were you too distracted to pay enough attention? To do that for almost an hour without getting tired she must have great hands.

    I have a friend that wants to suck my cock while we watch Star Trek lol.

    • K.K.
      416 days ago

      I was paying attention at some times! I went a tad soft during a part or two 😅 it was The First Duty and Cost of Living. The First Duty was not sexy at all, then we get to Cost of Living and it had a few sexy bits juuuust a bit after I came. Whoops!! They were just the next 2 episodes in our rewatch y’know.

      You better cherish that friend! And let them do it 😆

      • @dazedandconfusedOP
        216 days ago

        Ah yeah other than younger Robert Duncan Macneil being kind of cute those are not sexy episodes. The next one might be pretty good for you - “The Perfect Mate”

        Trust me, I do. If only he didn’t live all the way in LA…