There already are a few indie Morrowind clones like Dread Delusion that I’ve had my eye on. Not sure what elements will have been compromised by the budget but keen to give it a go after payday next week.
One great bonus of no voice acting is modding is a lot easier. It’s cool seeing how well Sim Settlements was able to use existing voice lines for the player and make them work, but I’m sure it was a lot of effort. Most small mods end up having to just use books and things like that because they can’t afford acting talent. If you just have text for characters speaking there’s no limit for them.
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There already are a few indie Morrowind clones like Dread Delusion that I’ve had my eye on. Not sure what elements will have been compromised by the budget but keen to give it a go after payday next week.
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One great bonus of no voice acting is modding is a lot easier. It’s cool seeing how well Sim Settlements was able to use existing voice lines for the player and make them work, but I’m sure it was a lot of effort. Most small mods end up having to just use books and things like that because they can’t afford acting talent. If you just have text for characters speaking there’s no limit for them.
WoW’s talking heads, for example.
Not an improvement.