• John Richard
    51 day ago

    Kamala was so excited over the support of the neocons like the Cheney’s and big business she forgot to see how it’d impact her poll numbers. Now she’s endorsing hit pieces on progressive third party candidates like Jill Stein. I’m pretty sure she’s already lost this election at this point.

    • @GoddessNoAi
      421 day ago

      like Jill Stein

      Putin sponsored professional Democrat spoiler Jill Stein? That Jill Stein?

      • John Richard
        1 day ago

        Lol, it’s always Russia with the Democrats. You’re against genocide? Must be Russian. You think Dick Cheney lied to get America into a devastating war in the middle east? Must be Russian! You want PFML & higher minimum wage. Must be a Russian!

        • @[email protected]
          22 hours ago

          I’m fairly certain Cheney’s interest in leveling Iraq and Afghanistan was motivated by his sizable investment in Halliburton, which coincidentally won the bid on the massive rebuilds.

    • @[email protected]OP
      1 day ago

      Jill Stein’s party is explicitly fighting to help Trump win. Stein is a pro-Trump spoiler. Voting for her is about the most self-defeating thing anyone who believes in democracy could do, short only of voting for Trump.

      • John Richard
        51 day ago

        She’s against genocide and Democrats are losing to Trump because they haven’t earned the votes. Instead they want to shame and blame everyone but themselves for why people, including a large percentage of the Arab population are voting for Jill Stein in Michigan. Just like they blamed Bernie and Stein in 2016. I encourage everyone to go listen and learn about Jill Stein’s platform yourself without a Democrat standing over your shoulder whispering nonsense into your ear. Both parties of the duopoly have a large cult.

        • @[email protected]OP
          261 day ago

          Jill Stein’s platform is, explicitly, not to win but to cause Harris to lose. Harris losing means Trump winning. Trump winning will be even worse for Gaza (and Ukraine, the US, and the rest of the world).

          If your red line is Gaza, but your refusal to cross that line will make things in Gaza worse, it is straightforwardly the case that your tactics are wrong. ‘I cannot condone X, so I’m going to do something that can only make X even worse’ is not a position you can hold.

          • John Richard
            51 day ago

            First, that is not her platform and you’re just making up and repeating MSM Democrat propaganda. Second, Kamala is part of the current administration that has had the ability to take a different stance on Gaza. Stop blaming the voters and start demanding she change her position. If she loses it will be her fault and no one elses. Last, people voting for their preferred candidate that they think best represents them is the foundation of democracy. If you don’t like democracy then vote for Democrats or Republicans who think they don’t need to earn your vote.

            • @[email protected]OP
              2023 hours ago

              Here’s a member of the Stein campaign saying they know they can’t win and want Harris to lose: ‘We are not in a position to win the White House, but we do have a real opportunity to win something historic. We could deny Kamala Harris the state of Michigan.’ This is straight from the Stein campaign. Not ‘MSM Democrat propaganda’ at all, but the Stein campaign itself acknowledging that they can’t win and that what they mean by ‘winning’ is Harris losing - which entails Trump winning.

              Again, you can blame anyone you like for this, but if you vote for Stein, the consequences for Gazans will be worse. To do so is, per your own values, nonsensical.

              • John Richard
                115 hours ago

                Your assumption is that these third party voters would be inclined to vote for Kamala if they weren’t voting for Stein. There is nothing to support that claim by you. In fact, it is the opposite. They’d be inclined to vote for Kamala if she shifted her policy positions when it comes to the war in Afghanistan. Again, you can blame anyone you like for this, but if Kamala doesn’t change her position, the consequences for Americans will be worse. To do so, is per Kamala’s “own” values, nonsensical.

                • @[email protected]OP
                  14 hours ago

                  I’m not assuming that you are inclined to vote for Harris - you’ve made it clear that you are not!

                  What I’m saying is that the course of action you’re advocating (voting for Jill Stein) can only have the opposite outcome to the one you want (because it will lead to the election of Donald Trump and a still worse situation in the Middle East). This being the case, you should reconsider your course of action.

            • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
              21 hours ago

              Orrrrr, stay with me here, 50,000 people is an insignificant number of people in the context of preventing a greater war with Iran that would directly kill millions and millions of people. Trump has openly endorsed that war, so doing a thing to help elect Trump is not in any sense a strategy aimed at protecting the lives and rights of anyone in the middle east. On the other hand, standing by our ally and avoiding that war gives the western world a modicum of stability and a base of democratic governance to work with for the next hundred years. Don’t talk about the lives of anyone if you’re planning to help elect Trump because he is the actual supporter of genocide. It took Gaza one year to see 50,000 dead. You’re talking about “let’s elect a guy that wants to see 50,000 people die every week.” Shove it. You’re lying to yourself and to everyone here.

              The war in Gaza has displaced what, two or three million people. A war between Israel and Iran will displace tens of millions of people. North Africa, East Africa, probably West Africa, the Mediterranean nations including Spain, France, and Italy, Greece, obviously, Eastern Europe and the Balkans, Western Asia, and South Central Asia including the Indian subcontinent. They don’t have enough stress already for you? There’s already a war refugee crisis from people fleeing war and turmoil in Syria and Yemen.

              The continued stability of this massive region of the world is not worth it to you, because, let me see if this is right, you’re so enraged at Kamala Harris for following decades of American foreign policy in the face of 50,000 people being killed by a country she’s not in charge of?

              I’m sorry, that’s totally idiotic and short sighted.

              • @[email protected]OP
                322 hours ago

                And just to add to your point: it’s not hypothetical that Trump would destabilise the Middle East, because he actually did so in his first term by giving de facto recognition to Jerusalem as the Israeli capital and by unilaterally tanking the Iran deal in exchange for nothing. The current situation is already partially Trump’s fault and, as you say, he will only make it worse if he wins.

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
      21 hours ago

      What are you talking about? How has she been “so excited?”

      I’ve seen a very tepid reaction from Harris. Stop trying to make her out to be like some Debbie Wasserman Schultz neocon. There’s no comparison.

      • John Richard
        115 hours ago

        Everytime she’s asked about the Cheney’s she glees over their support and praises them. I don’t know what planet you live on.

      • @[email protected]
        424 hours ago

        This doesn’t make sense. Whether they sit out or vote 3rd party doesn’t matter. The strategic reason for GOP financiers supporting a 3rd party candidate is to draw votes away from their opponent. A sit-out or a vote for 3rd party achieves the same thing.

        Encouraging people to sit out is just encouraging people to disengage from the entire process, which will enforce a trend that helps GOP candidates.

      • John Richard
        51 day ago

        So your job is now to tell people in a democracy that the shouldn’t vote for their preferred candidate. Are you sure you don’t just want fascism?

        • @[email protected]
          623 hours ago

          I see an awful lot of angry putting people on the defense, but let’s turn this around. What result that’s brought about by your vote for Stein creates the world that you want to see? In your world, what does the world look like on the morning of November 6th, and what have you accomplished?

          • John Richard
            15 hours ago

            Voting for Stein puts Democrats on notice that if they can’t stop serving their donors and start serving the American people, then they’ll be to blame for their loss. They need to earn people’s votes. They aren’t entitled to votes just because they aren’t the other candidate.

            • @[email protected]
              19 hours ago

              In all seriousness, do you think it will do that? There’s no place on a ballot to put the REASON you cast your vote, so isn’t it possible the Democrats who look at the post-mortem choose to interpret your vote in some other way?

        • @[email protected]
          623 hours ago

          If you’re going to tell people to vote for Donald, I’d rather you and anyone you convince to sit this one out. Since voting for your preferred candidate undermines any chance we have to make progress in the U.S.

          • John Richard
            115 hours ago

            I’ve never told anyone to vote for Donald, but you’re certainly helping Donald win by attacking a third party candidate, who by your logic is stealing more votes from Trump than Kamala.