• knightly the Sneptaur
    37 hours ago

    Short-sighted self-serving is what happens when people promote a lesser evil out for fear of a greater one.

    They are not willing to risk their lives in the pursuit of an end to our complicity in genocide. More concerned with their current sense of safety in the heart of the Empire than the violence employed to maintain it. Prefferring the surety of another four years where they don’t have to think about politics over the chance for fundamental changes in how our political system functions when a large majority of the country aligns against a second Trump administration.

    But hey, at least we can all look forward to doing this again when Trump runs in 2028, right? Democrats surely won’t triangulate even further to the right in pursuit of the mythical moderate Republican voter, right?

    • @[email protected]
      137 hours ago

      Prefferring the surety of another four years where they don’t have to think about politics over the chance for fundamental changes in how our political system functions when a large majority of the country aligns against a second Trump administration.

      God, accelerationism is so fucking dumb.

      • Dwemthy (he/him)
        95 hours ago

        If we just let the fascists win then we’ll be able to usher in a socialist paradise! What’s unclear about that to you? Read a book! /s

        • knightly the Sneptaur
          11 minute ago

          A literal pandemic killed millions of Americans and the status quo between the Democrats and the Ivermectin party barely even twitched.

          If you think there is a realistic electoral path out of our bipartisan death spiral, I would love to hear it. I’m just cynical enough not to be surprised that neither complicity in genocide abroad or the mass murders of schoolchildren at home will convince the Democrats to start treating Republicans like a threat.

        • @[email protected]OP
          65 hours ago

          I hate and love how this is pretty much exactly accelerationism explained without the childlike naiveté.

      • knightly the Sneptaur
        36 hours ago

        As opposed to what, doing the same thing every election in the hopes that it will somehow turn out differently this time?

        • BarqsHasBite
          54 hours ago

          Every time the Dems look left they lose. They go to the center because they lose control (they need all 3 houses to do anything), so they go to the center to find voters. They’ve had control of all 3 houses for, drumroll please, 4 of the last 24 years. Want them to stop going to the center? Them give them victories.

            • knightly the Sneptaur
              11 hour ago

              Note how Barqs did not specify which years those were, that’s because the answer would contradict their point. Half of those four years were Obama’s first, after he campaigned to the left on a message of hope and change but before his actual administration revealed him to be just another moderate.

        • Optional
          76 hours ago

          As opposed to trying to make things better and avoid more suffering for everyone.

          Accelerationists have never lived through what they claim to want because if they did, and lived, they would no longer be accelerationists.

          • knightly the Sneptaur
            12 hours ago

            Doing the same thing you’ve always done isn’t “trying to make things better”, it’s “trying to make things stay the same”.

            If you want to avoid suffering, you have to be against genocide.

          • @[email protected]
            6 hours ago

            Accelerationists won’t have to live with the consequences because they don’t originate in the US.

            • knightly the Sneptaur
              11 hour ago

              I’m not an accellerationist, and as a transgender furry from a red state I’d hazard a bet that I’ve got more consequences to worry about than you do.

              Quit treating treating politics like a team sport. This is not a game, this is a life or death struggle to take the reigns of the American Empire in time to do something about the climate, the genocide, the economy, and everything.

              • @[email protected]
                38 minutes ago

                I’ll take you at your word, which is trying, but even if true I prefaced my statement with original. This means you’re part of the plan, and you would have to be. Though you may not identify as accelerationist your existence is spurred on and enunicated by a foreign effort to defeat America by turning it on itself.

                Edit: My bad

                • knightly the Sneptaur
                  42 minutes ago

                  Again, I’m not an accelerationist. I’m a “Stop doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result”-ist.

                  And don’t tell me you’ll take me at my word and then immediately do the opposite. It makes me suspect that you are the thing you accuse me of being.

                  • @[email protected]
                    36 minutes ago

                    You call yourself what ever you like. I’ll refer to you as, useful idiot.

                    Edit: If I were a foreign actor I’m either very incompetent or am a genius for egging on you doubling down.

          • knightly the Sneptaur
            13 hours ago

            You’re kidding, right?

            If you weren’t paying attention, I’m a transgender furry. I’ve been personally targeted by Nazis long before Trump declared people like me to be enemies of America.

            Do you think I am not painfully aware of what is at stake here?

        • @[email protected]OP
          25 hours ago

          I mean, that or all the angry young/middle age voters could, gasp show up to the primaries and move the party to the direction they’d like to see. Instead, the elderly voters, despite being a much smaller share of the population, outvote the heck out of them.

          If folks like you paid attention to politics when it matters, not just when it was trendy, things would be a lot different.

          Then again, reading what you’ve written, maybe it’s for the best y’all don’t.

          • knightly the Sneptaur
            12 hours ago

            I love the idealism, I lost mine decades ago.

            Realistically, this is America we’re talking about. A literal pandemic that killed millions was only worth a 16% bump in the total vote count. The sooner you come to terms with the fact that this country is not and has never been a real democracy, the sooner you’ll be able to stop relying on the electoral system to save the world.

            Also, I resent the assertion that I don’t pay attention to politics. I pay too much attention to politics. To the point that I predicted this exact scenario for the 2024 election back in 2015 when the DNC first started openly conspiring against Bernie, months before they ratfucked him out of the primary. I was the only person among my family and friends not to be surprised when Hillary lost in 2016. I knew the incumbent for 2024 would have to drop out to give the VP a chance at winning against Trump literally years before we learned that Biden was going to be that incumbent. I feel like Cassandra, cursed with foreknowledge that none will heed.

            Anyways, the problem isn’t “trends” or a lack of interest from the youth, the fundamental issue is that electoral politics is a trap. Do vote in local and national elections, of course, but if voting is all you’re putting your energy into then you’re doing it wrong. And our political media ecosystem is designed to ensure that most people do it wrong by investing literal billions into election campaign coverage.

            The real forefront of American politics is the union movement. Now that they’re starting to throw off their old business-friendly management and implementing democratic processes for replacing them, they’re taking position to become the driving force behind the new left. Watch for that over the next few years as the Republican party falls apart from the blowback against Trump’s attempts to steal the election while the Democrats continue triangulating to the right to pick up the “moderate” leftovers and alienating their own left wing.

              • knightly the Sneptaur
                50 minutes ago

                Harris won the moment Biden dropped out. That’s why the Democrats have already started moving right and touting Republican endorsements, they know they’ve got this election on lock and they’re getting a head-start on signalling another “business-friendly” administration.

                Trump’s supporters will throw a tantrum as reality starts to seep in, so expect a significant increase in stochastic terrorism and maybe even a (dis-)organized coup attempt. There will be casualties, but the true believers have been inflating their numbers to maintain the image of a contestable election and will severely overestimate their ability to overthrow the government.

                  • knightly the Sneptaur
                    40 minutes ago

                    It will take longer than that. Even if the Democrats win by a more-than-healthy margin, the Republicans will be doing everything they can to delay and obstruct the final count.