The new law that bans gender-affirming care for minors also mandates that adult patients seeking trans health care sign an informed consent form. It also requires a physician to oversee any health care related to transitioning, and for people to see that doctor in person. Those rules have proven particularly onerous because many people received care from nurse practitioners and used telehealth. The law also made it a crime to violate the new requirements.

Another new law that allows doctors and pharmacists to refuse to treat transgender people further limits their options.

    • Concetta
      1191 year ago

      Actually fucking painful the amount of people I had this argument with, hate being vindicated in this way. It was never about the children, it’s purely about hate.

      • @thepianistfroggollum
        691 year ago

        It’s never, ever about the children. Even abortion isn’t about the children. Children are just a convenient and effective red herring.

        • @[email protected]
          451 year ago

          If Republicans cared in the slightest about children, they would have done something after Sandy Hook other than make up conspiracy theories.

          • keeb420
            231 year ago

            like the wise man said “if youre preborn youre fine. if youre preschool youre fucked.”

          • @[email protected]
            -101 year ago

            That’s a minority of people who aren’t conservative so much as they are extremist. Just very vocal. On the other end of the spectrum, there are actual people who want to transition their toddlers. They are also very vocal.

            But so now you have people leaning left judging everyone right of them by the most vocal extremists on the right side, and vice versa. And then the divide between left and right seems to widen, because in politics it’s apparently law that every action be met with an even bolder counter action, so if you try and be neutral about any of this you’ll lose your mind!

            Can’t you see that this isn’t even about you versus me, both actually just very mildly distant in our ideals, but about you and me versus whoever is profiting over us spending the time to debate this in the first place?

            • @[email protected]
              51 year ago

              people who want to transition their toddlers. They are also very vocal.

              I have never heard anyone argue this

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              there are actual people who want to transition their toddlers

              And what do you imagine such transition would entail?

          • @[email protected]
            91 year ago

            Now now, they also care about them as soon as they’re old enough to enlist in the military. But as soon as their service is over, fuck 'em again.

    • @[email protected]
      581 year ago

      Funny how the same people supporting this law oppose universal school breakfast/lunches, subsidized neonatal/child healthcare, and funding for extracurricular programs.

      • @[email protected]
        131 year ago

        only if those programs support minorities. government-funded school breakfasts or lunches, healthcare subsidies, and funding for school extracurricular programs are all A-OK as long as we can make sure it only happens at schools that primarily serve rich white christians.

    • sam
      501 year ago

      Fascism always needs a Boogeyman

    • z3rOR0ne
      161 year ago

      Pro life…until you’re out of the womb… then you’re on your own… and get to work!.. didn’t you hear about the rollback of child labor laws?

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Stop targeting kids with child marriage, beauty parents and abusers in the church. Those are real problems that children face.

        You don’t give a damn about children. This is entirely about targeting a class of people you hate, with kids as the excuse, and it’s fucking vile and evil.

      • @[email protected]
        261 year ago

        The same reasoning the Nazies called themselves socialist, despite being a fascist dictatorship. Why China says they are communist, while being a dictatorship with limited capitalism. And the US thinking it’s a democracy when it’s a Oligarchy with limited local democracy.

        Dumb people think words mean more than actions/reality.

          • Fugicara
            111 year ago

            As in because the pendulum swings from the far left to the far right? Or were you just mistakenly conflating those two completely opposite political theories?

            • @[email protected]
              -11 year ago

              Calling the Nazis far right is ignoring that their politics were more complicated than a simple 2D spectrum. They adopted ideas from both left and right.

              • Fugicara
                11 year ago

                They certainly adopt rhetoric from the left which helps them get elected, then enact exclusively right-wing policies when they actually have power, sure. Fascists usually use populist rhetoric to get into power but then they never do anything to actually reduce inequality (because that would be the opposite of fascism).

                  • @[email protected]
                    41 year ago

                    For all the incessant whining conservatives do about being called fascists, most of the time I see someone call another person “fascist,” it’s a conservative shrieking it at someone who doesn’t want to use the government to oppress vulnerable minorities.

          • @[email protected]
            81 year ago

            Not all authoritarianism is fascism. All fascism is authoritarian, of course, but fascism isn’t the only authoritarian system of government.

      • TimmyDeanSausage
        231 year ago

        Because people like you repeatedly say trans people are grooming kids, just like people like you said gay men were grooming kids, just like people like you said black men were grooming your kids (to do drugs).

        Personally, I don’t see what is “curious” about responding to wild accusations against an entire minority group with a resounding “that’s not happening and you’re using a dog whistle to dehumanize trans people.”

        Things may be less “curious” for you if, instead of starting with a conclusion and working backwards to justify/explain it, you started with a question/hypothesis and worked towards a logical conclusion. Just a suggestion.

      • @[email protected]
        191 year ago

        Then why is “stop targeting kids” seen as transphobic if it’s nothing to do with kids?

        Because the bigots who say it aren’t saying it about people who are targeting kids. They’re falsely accusing trans people of targeting kids.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Because nobody in the LGBT community is targeting kids with anything, so when you make that implication, you are perpetuating an offensive and recently extremely dangerous stereotype which has actually gotten people killed already.

        Just in case you aren’t actually trolling and legitimately don’t understand this.