• @[email protected]
    174 months ago

    Concerning, to say the least.

    Consider this.

    Trump is…a life-long conartist, a convicted felon, adulterer, rapist, womanizer, misogynist, racist, a twice impeached President, a guy who somehow had nearly a dozen close associates found to be guilty of crimes … Breathes

    Someone who “gets along” with some of the most brutal dictators alive like they’re buddies, has been caught on tape describing sexually assaulting women, who has lied over 30,000 times in a span of 4 years, who has made threats against journalists, who has publicly mocked a disabled person, who has publicly shat on veterans, who criticised a POW for getting caught… Breathes

    A guy who denied COVID, who promoted unproven treatments while condemning those who wanted to safeguard public health, who rambles incoherently about topics he has little to no grasp on, who thinks everything he does is “perfect” and "nobody has done a “better job”, is in obvious mental decline, has never admitted to being wrong or apologized for anything…

    And so on!

    Now, would you invite someone like that to dinner? Or have him work in your small business?

    Probably not. Nobody would, not even if they were related to such a person.

    Why then, would over half the voting public stake the future of their country on giving him a second term as President?

    You don’t have to like Harris, or even agree with most of her policies, but she is not a trainwreak of a human being and would most certainly be a better person for the job. Any job.

    As a Canadian, to know that a garbage heap of a person like Trump could be freely given excessive power by the voting public only tells me that it could happen in Canada, even if the alternative candidate was 1000x better in every way.

    North America, and democracy as a whole, seems doomed. And with rich idiots, podcast morons, and domestic terrorists actively supporting a candidate like that, I worry about the future stability of our global community. And we aren’t even close to being prepared for what malicious use of AI could do during an election.

    It takes far more effort and time to build a peaceful, balanced society. And less than four years to completely dismantle that progress.