Come to think of it, the Jedi are kinda dicks, they prevented anakin becoming a master despite his obvious talented skills in saber combat and his power in the force.

Not to mention, lore wise they let mundi have relations with his family where as it would’ve been a kick out for anakin.

Lastly, the jedi were sorta arrogant for thinking that nothing was wrong or that they were perfect despite having literal counterarguments from rebellious masters, Qui Gonn being a good example of somebody smelling the bullshit that the jedi were involved in.

So my fellow sith lords and jedi knights, what say you?

  • @RedditRefugee69
    13 months ago

    Same in a modern military.

    People don’t get promoted solely because they can shoot well. It’s an important metric for the lowest promotions possible, but if you’re widely known to be emotionally and morally messed up, you’re not making it past lance corporal.

    Go far enough and there is literally a board of people who decide on whether or not you are promotion worthy for entirely subjective reasons. If you throw a tantrum in the meeting like Anakin did, you just proved them right.