My first is this silicon spatula. It’s construction isnt just a silicon tip with wooden handle. Its the red silicon for much more of the handle, which I’ve felt makes it easier to clean and last longer, since gunk isnt getting wedged between the handle and tip. I like it so much I have two.

The second is probably just a spray bottle with water and dish soap. I clean up messes and the stove and countertops with it, and it’s incredibly convenient.

  • digredior
    2 months ago

    We’ve been getting insane mileage out of our rice cooker since we bought it back in May. It gets use almost daily, if not for rice but for oatmeal in the morning.

    It’s a 3 “cup” Toshiba rice cooker (as in the cup that came with the rice cooker which seems to be 3/4 of a US customary measurement cup) and has all sorts of fancy cooking modes.

    1c steel cut oats

    2-3 cinnamon sticks

    1/4 tsp each of ground ginger, cardamom, and allspice

    1/8ish tsp ground clove (that stuff is so freaking pungent)

    Some fresh ground nutmeg

    1/2c raisins

    1/4c ish of brown sugar

    A good knob of butter

    Steel cut oats go with around a 4:1 ratio of liquid to oats, so I usually do 2c of milk and fill it to the 0.5 line on the porridge scale written on the cooking liner. Takes a full hour and a half, but is worth the wait.

    And it makes cake. The mother fucker makes CAKE! Love it so much I gifted one to my parents for Christmas.

    For standard utensils, silicone spatulas are great, but I recently discovered this thing that is basically a silicone spatula in the shape of a butter knife. AMAZING!

      • digredior
        2 months ago

        No problem. Made some this morning not long after this post. It was amazing… again.

          2 months ago

          I just made this, and ended up with an explosion of milk all over the counter. How do you keep it from doing that?

          • digredior
            2 months ago

            Oh shit. I’m sorry about that.

            Does your rice maker look like this guy?

            Or does it look more like this guy?

            That second one is the one I have and that recipe works as described in that rice cooker. If you’re using one that’s more like the first one, it may heat too quickly and boil over if I had to guess.

            If that’s the case, I’d probably just halve all the ingredients… a whole cup of steel cut oats is 4 servings based on the Nutrition Facts on the carton, so depending on how many people you’re feeding so your mileage may vary. If you find you’ve got room in the rice cooker with half the ingredients above, then adjust accordingly.

            Keep in mind, raisins soak up quite a lot of moisture when they cook… more or less on the raisins will change the texture of the final porridge, so if you go less with the raisins, you might consider cooking it longer to evaporate some more of the moisture off and get a thicker porridge.

            Again… sorry I wasn’t more explicit with my description in my first comment. Good luck on the next attempt.

              2 months ago

              Ah, that explains it. I have the first one. The oatmeal is still good. I mixed in some kefir, chopped pear, coconut, and candied pecans.

              • digredior
                2 months ago

                That sounds fucking awesome. I’ve also done it with some home made apple pie filling I had leftover from Thanksgiving and also some dried apricots.