• ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
    672 months ago

    How do I block CCP + American right wing propaganda that wechat have been promoting on my parent’s phones?

    If I block the domain, they just complain the “internet is broken” and then use data (their plan has unlimited high speed data).

    (Kinda funny how they are consuming two contradictory propaganda)

    • @[email protected]
      412 months ago

      The CCP is right wing, so they’re getting a double-scoop of red-hued authoritarian desert. Nothing contradictory there.

      • (⬤ᴥ⬤)
        52 months ago

        i think they mean how the us right makes china out to be their number one enemy

      • ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
        2 months ago

        Nah, they want China to be “reunited” with Taiwan, and also doesn’t like Democrats because of the “migrant crisis”.

        Only reason why my US Citizen mom didn’t vote trump is because I told my mom to vote Harris because I invoked their fear of deportation by citing the Chinese Exclusion act 100 years ago, and said it could happen again. (I watched my mom filled the mail-in ballot)

        (Basically their mindset is: “Immigrant bad, unless its us” 🤦‍♂️)

        Btw, they still say that the 2nd trump term is gonna be “fine” and “its just like the first term, nothing bad will happen”

        • @[email protected]OP
          2 months ago

          The first term wasn’t fine. Some of Trump’s “accomplishments” include raising the national debt significantly despite being part of a party that constantly claims they will deal with it, and poor actions which results in many deaths in the US during the pandemic. He also had secret conversations with Putin and may have transferred our secrets to Russia. Also he told the big lie and supported storming the capitol during J6.

          Here’s a non inclusive list of some the scandals during Trump’s first term: https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/antisemitism-alphabetical-guide-trump-s-worst-moments-n1245795

          The only reason his first term wasn’t even worse was because people stopped him. Now there are going to be less people to stop him. That’s why we must stay strong and vigilant and work towards getting as many Democrats elected locally in 2025 and nationally in 2026.

          • @[email protected]
            82 months ago

            The man is literally a walking national security threat who has no problem blabbing state secrets for free because in his mind, it’s a way of showing how important he is.

        • @[email protected]
          252 months ago

          When people say nothing bad happened I’m like “did everyone forget the huge amount of people who died needless deaths?”

          I swear we live in different worlds

          • ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
            2 months ago

            I mean, they see it as mostly the virus’s fault, not really the government’s fault.

            Just like how they view the famine during the Great Leap Forward, not Mao’s fault, its just natural disaster.

            Also, my mom suggested that the virus could’ve possibly originated from the US as an engineered bioweapon against China…

            (the same virus somehow got into the US? 🤦‍♂️ Idk anymore, this world is so absurd with the assasination attempts, a convicted felon being elected president, and CEO getting shot, coup attempt in South Korea out of nowhere… I’m wondering if I’m in a dream/nightmare, its just bizzare…)

            • @[email protected]
              42 months ago

              I mean, they see it as *mostly* the virus’s fault, not really the government’s fault.

              Which is funny since the Republican/conservative stance on the virus seemed to be “no big deal.”

            • @[email protected]
              42 months ago

              Mao ordering the death of all sparrows, which then led to mass locust swarms eating all the crops, followed by mass starvation. Not his fault at all…

              • ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
                42 months ago

                Um yea, tell that to my parents.

                Their logic is:

                Leader fuck up their leadership = Natural disaster

                People with non-visible diseases (such as: Depression) not being able to fuctions properly = Laziness

          • @[email protected]
            52 months ago

            I swear we live in different worlds

            I couldn’t agree more. A lot of my family are conservative and talk politics all the time, and whenever any scandal or poor decision is brought up from Trump’s first term, they always downplay it as if it was barely an issue. According to them, just about everything was outside of Trump and the Republican party’s control, taken out of context, or just outright didn’t happen. It doesn’t matter how much evidence you provide, they refuse to accept that someone they voted for may have done something bad.

        • @[email protected]
          212 months ago

          Nah, they want China to be “reunited” with Taiwan

          Under the KMT, not the CCP, right?

        • @iknowitwheniseeit
          2 months ago

          I know that you mean well, but you seeing your mother’s vote is exactly why mail in voting should be the exception. Voting booths exist so that votes are secret, which is how it should be.

          My mom hates Trump since she thinks he’s crude, but I’m 99% sure that my dad voted for them both by mail in votes.

          • ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
            12 months ago

            Oh, I mean, its not like I gave her an order to vote a certain way. I just convinced her to do it by invoking her fears (Just like the maga do by invoking xenophobia, but in my case, in reverse). Like if she wanted to vote trump, she could’ve just hidden it, or just be a proud maga and not even hide it. Like what was I gonna do? I still have to live with her, I have no leverage over her, and I’m definitely not gonna commit a crime and illegally tamper with votes.

            Convincing someone to vote a certain way out of their own free will is not illegal.

            Someone voluntarily not hiding their ballot is not illegal either. (It’s not like I forced her to show the ballot)

            • @iknowitwheniseeit
              22 months ago

              In the Virginia mail-in voting instructions it is very clear that you are not to show anyone who you voted for. I guess I’m not surprised if other states do not have that, since voting rules are so haphazard in the USA.

              It may be illegal to show your vote, exactly to prevent people in an unequal power relationship from pressuring you to vote in a specific way.

              • ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
                12 months ago

                I mean, I’m the one depending on my mom not kicking me out, so like, morally speaking, I didn’t do anything wrong.

                Legally, ballot selfies are legal in Pennsylvania where I live. Ballot selfies are also legal in Virginia. Why would Virgina make ballot selfies legal, but make showing ballots illegal?

                Are you sure its an actual law, and not just a suggestion of the ballot instructions?

                Btw, even in the polling booth (in PA at least), you are allowed to have someone assist you vote.

                And I’m not even assisting. I’m just giving advice and hope she doesn’t vote for a fascist.

        • @[email protected]
          52 months ago

          Never underestimate propaganda’s ability to make people believe contradictory messages simultaneously. They’ll just choose to believe whatever suits their immediate argument then flip without a single care of consistency. Don’t bother questioning it either because every excuse and justification and conspiracy theory in the book will come up and failing that, belligerence and aggression until you either back down or go away so as not to make them challenge their irrational beliefs.

          I could list out dozens but just the most common: government is both weak and ineffective yet pulls the strings of society in the background, the west is both weak and should just appease Russia because they won’t win yet is propping up Ukraine and presents an existential threat to Russia that supposedly justifies invasion, states should decide their own laws but not on issues they want to force onto others like abortion among many.

    • @[email protected]OP
      2 months ago

      This is fascinating to me because it might be evidence that China is promoting right wing content to undermine America. I’ve never used WeChat before but I know the app has a “news” feature. Is WeChat linking to external domains/IP addresses? I’m curious what kind of right wing propaganda are they seeing? Who is making it? Is it in English or Chinese or a combination?

      If you cannot deal with the problem by network filtering and blocking these strategies might be helpful: https://old.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/good_posts

      Also I will mention with other social media websites I’ve read about people using the not interested in this content (or similar wording) button and unfollowing right wing news sources and then following people who make positive content.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      This answer is completely untested and something I came up with while poking through my phone’s options. But it should work as long as the app in question uses your phone’s DNS settings.

      My Samsung phone has a private DNS setting. Settings > Connections > More Connection Settings > Private DNS. This doesn’t seem to be bound to a specific connection on my device so I assume this value is used for any. I don’t know if this is available on all modernish android devices or iOS.

      One can set up a dns-over-https server such as https://github.com/m13253/dns-over-https/ and configure it to use a DNS server which is sinkholing those domains. Which it sounds like you already have setup.

      You’d have to have that public facing with a reverse proxy and a valid cert so they could reach it while on mobile data, so I don’t know that the juice is worth the squeeze.

    • @[email protected]
      82 months ago

      Setup an always on VPN that connects them to their home network where those sites are blocked.

      Now it doesn’t work on cellular anymore either.

      Shout out to the PiHole software that makes DNS black listing much easier for ad blocking .

      • @[email protected]
        52 months ago

        Pihole plus Pi VPN. Best thing I’ve ever done for my sanity. At least until google domains sold to squarespace, which suspiciously doesn’t support dynamic DNS.