A fictional character that’s existed for 4 frames coming to harm being the punchline isn’t particularly funny to me, especially the way it’s done here, but that’s about it, not funny. I’m about as offended by drawings getting raped as I am with them getting murdered, and the second is a much larger category with a less contentious comment section.
The joke is an eternity of rape and inslavement haha
Seriously though, usually like these comics but this one rubs me the wrong way
I thought the joke was lying about the cursed penis and then getting caught. the character being raped and enslaved is kinda secondary.
A fictional character that’s existed for 4 frames coming to harm being the punchline isn’t particularly funny to me, especially the way it’s done here, but that’s about it, not funny. I’m about as offended by drawings getting raped as I am with them getting murdered, and the second is a much larger category with a less contentious comment section.