Greetings, so I final got wife permission to buy a pi zero 2 and a beeline 12s pro (n100) arriving tomorrow. I already have a nas drive for my media.

Question is what is the average setup and guides for this?

Of course I will be scouring this and other communities for info but the immediate items I want to fix are my plex/jellyfin server, setup RetroArch or equivalent gaming, then of course arr servers. But I would like to also get into reverse proxy and searxng, next cloud and pihole.

Any tips on how to make this beautiful?

OS recommendations? I currently run manjaro on my daily, but would think a kubuntu or kde fedora/debian spin might be better for these items.

Guides you can point me to? Suggestions for more or better options? There are plenty of answers in this community and I will look at what’s posted but any assistance is appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

I’m excited to start plying with the simple things

  • @Fedegenerate
    2 months ago

    Op I was you 12 months ago. +1 installing proxmox. The ability to make mistakes in an LXCs and always having the nightly back up right there was worth it alone. Helper scripts get you close to where you want to go fast. As for guides, there’s a bunch, raid owl, technotim both have initial proxmox setup guides. There are many like them, just two I remember.

    It might just be me, I struggled with every step of every guide I followed, mostly because I skip to copy paste the commands… Don’t do that. Chatgpt, plug the command in there and start quizzing it: “what does this do, what are the flags doing, I want to do x will command work”. Then don’t copy chatgpt either, take its output back to the documentation and make sure it makes sense. Then take a snapshot. Then paste the thing. It at least forced me to slow down.

    In the beginning I was about a month, just on a pi, getting a pihole and a servarr installed and configured. Then I nuked it and rebuilt in a couple weeks. Then I messed up again and rebuilt in a couple days. I dedicate 1hr to try fix what I broke using Chatgpt as mentor/rubber duck, if I can’t make progress on a fix in that time I load the snapshot. Troubleshooting is a great skill, however, everything you need gets installed at least once, so get good at installing things. Back ups need testing and you should be familiar with the process, get good at recovering from back ups. Chatgpt solves most of the problems surface level problems. You’ll get to a point when you get stuck chatgpt won’t be any help either, but let gpt get you there quickly.

    I genuinely prefer Dockge to Portainer, learn Portainer. As a rule learn the industry standard then migrate. Tonnes of articles and resources for Portainer, almost everyone using Dockge can help you with Portainer, not the other way around. The only difference is when the non-industry standard is specifically made to solve problems you have with the IS, I went with nginx proxy manager over nginx for example. GUIs are nice and I can see things working, unlike pasting a massive config and hoping. Now I have huge compose.yaml stacks for docker that I used to install one by one in Portainer.

    Security is hard. Outsource all you can. Your ISP firewall is perfectly serviceable don’t punch holes in it (for now). Tailscale is perfectly serviceable don’t try make your own tunnels (for now). One of my earliest posts was me installing a firewall on my pi, separate from the my router, and then going into a blind panic about punching holes in my firewall. Funny to look back on, my isp firewall is still completely intact, I picked a different path.

    Each iteration add one layer of complexity and take easy wins for everything else. I set up pihole bare metal, messed up the unbound install, go again. I used docker starter to set up pihole+unbound, messed up [something]… go again… Prioritise “working” over “perfect”. You don’t know what perfect is anyway. I don’t know what perfect is, but just getting something working teaches me what would be better for next go around. If what you did is “wrong” it’s going to break sooner rather than later so you get to go again. If what you did works forever be happy and enjoy the thing you built.

    Oh I forgot. No big updates right before bed, before a big event or when you’re out of the house. I once had an auto updater [watch tower] go off and delete my access to the internet [pihole] before downloading the new image, on my fiancée’s first day off, and while I was at work. I learned a lot about redundancy for essential infrastructure to Facebook that day, rightly so. If you can’t/won’t want to fix broken things right then, don’t be doing stuff that might break things.