Two days ago, @Ultragigagigantic posted a photo of another angle of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Today I present everything leading up to the massacre as well as some photos of the massacre many are not aware of. Please be warned, some photos are NSFW/NSFL
Due to Imgur no longer hosting that information, it is saved on Please share so the truth can be viewed by everyone.
Disclosure: I am not the creator of that imgur page, I am only helping to keep the truth alive as I was a teenager in California when all of that went down in China and I am just as disgusted as most people are.
That shit is brutal. First time looking into it further than tank man
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Thank you for sharing. Some pics I had never seen before
Just brutal. Seeing the tanks with bicycle parts and spokes bent, broken, and stuck to them…
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Neither did the moon landing, huh?
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yuh huh