• @[email protected]
    1064 months ago

    It really is hard to put Republican assholery on a scale of “worst in our lifetime”.

    GWB got us in multiple multiple decade long wars.

    Mitt Romney or Dick Cheney might have turned the great recession into another great depression.

    Trump nearly got us into another full blown recession, got rid of Roe V Wade, tried to overturn Democracy, and nearly got us into a war with Iran.

    Trump this time around will try to overturn Democracy again, might bring back the full blown recession we almost had, will let Russia steamroll Ukraine, will support Israel harder than any US president, etc. etc.

    • @[email protected]
      244 months ago

      You forgot the grandfather of assholery, Ronald Regan. 90 % of the fuckery today can be linked back to that piece of shit.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        It goes back before that, when Boothe killed Lincoln and reconstruction failed and we let the south keep southing it got fucked.

        Nixon recognized it and used it to get elected, and Reagan got the economy fucking us, and Bush 2 profited from starting wars on surpluses from the previous administration. Then trump wasted Obama’s hard work on the economy with tax cuts and shit handling of a pandemic.

    • @[email protected]
      74 months ago

      Oh, I completely agree. Republicans have consistently gotten worse. At the same time, so has literally every Democrat since Carter. Every Democratic president since Clinton has moved to the right. For example: Obamacare? More like exactly what Reagan proposed to “fix” the insurance industry. And people forget that Biden was the “moderate” to pull that crazy “leftist Obama” back towards the “center”. And now Biden is called a crazy leftist. So now we have 2 right-wing choices. One that thinks capitalism fixes everything, supports genocide because it’s profitable, and says “but we like queer people (as long as they have money and don’t ask for anything)”. The other is a literal fascist. The fact is that either party is good for big business and bad for everyone else.

      • @[email protected]
        174 months ago

        It’s a bit reductionist to boil Obama down to the shit implementation of Obamacare that the GOP killed in the womb. I encourage you to read on it. TL;DR, it was gonna be pretty good, but the GOP threw a fit that it was going to be a win for Dems and tanked it. You’re also leaving out the fact that Obama expanded gay rights and got talking about climate change on a policy level. Should both of those things happened sooner? Yes, but that’s letting perfect be the enemy of good.

        Biden isn’t amazing and honestly, I don’t care for him much. However, I doubt he letting the genocide in Gaza happen for profits. With the Dem’s own party, Israel is a divisive issue and I’m sure he’s having to tread carefully so it doesn’t shoot in the foot later because politicians are scummy petty people

        • @[email protected]
          74 months ago

          The ACA that wasn’t all it could have been was STILL a huge improvement and completely moved the battle lines on healthcare.

    • @[email protected]
      64 months ago

      I saaaay we stop being nice and start working together. These two things are the big problems of the left.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Mitt Romney would not have let Russia invade Ukraine. He’s been a staunch enemy of Putin’s aggression.

      It would have been simple. Put US troops on the border in the hundreds of thousands. Russia doesn’t invade.

    • @[email protected]
      224 months ago

      Like, are we to believe it’s purely coincidence that the scientists are making these claims AT THE SAME TIME as the graphs are showing heat levels rising? seems like they’re just cashing in on a good grift! We all know how scientists are about money making schemes.

    • @[email protected]
      154 months ago

      How dare you provide “scientific” proofs? What do you think this is, a logical discussion?? I need someone to yell the facts at me, that way they’ll sink in more better

    • @[email protected]
      124 months ago

      What am I supposed to do about the climate anyways? I conserve as much as possible and a billionaire uses up my lifetime of CO2 in a day. Stop telling me i have the power to fix it cause I don’t

      • @[email protected]
        64 months ago

        Be the change you want to see in the world

        You can’t control others, but you can control your own life. So do what you can.

      • dream_weasel
        34 months ago

        Vote. Tell people you vote for that reach out to you that this is one of your concerns and should be one of theirs. Otherwise, we all just do the best we can.

  • @[email protected]
    654 months ago

    And they aren’t wrong. Every current election is the most important of your life. Not just presidential. If you choose not to participate intelligently. And loose access or rights as a result. You will likely never get them back.

      • ceasarlegsvin
        24 months ago

        ah yes the pantsuit lady school of electoral strategy where you pointedly ignore any and all criticism and then blame your voter base when you lose

        how did it go last time i don’t remember

  • Todd Bonzalez
    504 months ago

    Just because they’ve said this 3 elections in a row doesn’t mean it hasn’t been true each time.

    The problem is that fascism keeps gaining territory, and eventually it will be the last election you get to vote in.

    • @[email protected]
      164 months ago

      Yeah the problem is if you want to actually win you can’t just keep saying it’s the most important election and you have to vote for us or else over and over again. People will get desensitized eventually and stop caring and then the fascists will win. You have to do good things that make people want to vote for you and judging by public opinion Biden has not been doing the best at that. (This isn’t how I feel, I’m still gonna vote for him to stop Trump and I think people should vote for Biden. I’m just saying why average people who aren’t this dialed into politics aren’t gonna keep voting and that will be the downfall of Biden.)

      • Todd Bonzalez
        34 months ago

        Well, they don’t “just” keep saying it, it’s just a thing that Democrats say sometimes that far-left children like to fixate on like its the only thing being said. There have been numerous well reasoned arguments this election cycle for voting for Biden, if for some reason you were in a coma from 2017-2020 and don’t have any frame of reference for what we’re up against.

        There are millions of reasons (every undocumented immigrant that Trump wants to genocide, for starters) that you should vote for Biden in November. I’m tired of people being reductive and acting like the situation isn’t dire right now. Anyone with a functioning brain should be in agreement about, of the options we have, which one we should take.

        Biden, despite his many flaws, has done more for the working class than any president in my lifetime. The people on the left pretending that there’s no compelling reason to vote for him are fucking morons, especially those who insist that Trump is somehow the same.

        and that will be the downfall of Biden

        Just remember, when Trump wins like you want him to, and Fascism takes over, just like history books today point the finger quite deservedly at apathetic Germans who let the Nazis win, future generations are going to point their fingers at the likes of people like you, who decided that Trump wasn’t worth defeating - and there’s literally only one way we keep him out of the White House next year.

        • @[email protected]
          44 months ago

          Just remember when you vote for a Genocide Joe you support genocide no matter how much you cry about Trump.

        • @[email protected]
          34 months ago

          I literally said that none of that was how I personally felt. It’s just observations I’ve made from looking at polls and talking to people who are less engaged in politics. I’m still voting for Biden and want him to win. I’m just giving reasons how Biden currently isn’t doing good among voters who are getting fatigued with the whole “most important election ever” rhetoric. And yes there are other issues the Democrats use for messaging like abortion which is a very popular point but on more recent issues like the war in Gaza (which he looks bad on no matter what side of the issue you’re on) he has been loosing support from younger voters which are a pretty key demographic if he wants to win. Then there’s the economy which even though everyone is saying it’s doing better most people I talk to are still spending more than before and wages haven’t gone up to match and plenty of people I know are struggling to get jobs after mass layoffs at various tech companies. These aren’t the kinds of things that might make someone vote for Trump but instead just check out of politics cause either option things are still gonna get worse. And on a final note people like you who immediately accuse anyone who criticizes Biden of wanting Trump to win aren’t helping, you just make the Biden side look crazy like the Trump side. I can want Biden to win to not have Trump in office while still criticizing Biden and wanting him to do better.

    • @[email protected]
      104 months ago

      I’ve been hearing that it’s the most important election of my lifetime since at least 2008. The problem is that this kind of rhetoric becomes meaningless over time. The Democrats need to stop telling people it’s the most important election of their lives and starting telling them why it’s important. “The policies that Trump is advocating for are literally fascism, and the right-wing extremists in the Supreme Court won’t stop him,” carries a lot more weight than, “Hey, I know I say this a lot, but this is actually a once in a lifetime, super important election.”

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          LOL, name a single sitting Democrat that has said that. Every day I listen to left-leaning pundits avoid the word fascism or talk about Trump’s batshit policies like he’s just another Republican. When is Nancy Pelosi going to go on Meet the Press and say, “Donald Trump is preparing a fascist movement that will end American democracy?” It’s great that Liberals and Leftists of Lemmy agree on this one, but somebody should tell the party leadership.

        • @[email protected]
          34 months ago

          Forreal lol, it’s like when Trump would learn some basic, middle-school level fact and then would talk about it and say, “No one knew this!”

    • @[email protected]
      94 months ago

      they’ve said this 3 elections in a row

      You don’t think anyone was saying it in 2008 or 2004 or 1996 or 1984? Nevermind the off-years, the municipal elections, the special elections, the judicial elections, the time when your favorite politician is on a singing show…

      The problem is that fascism keeps gaining territory

      Isn’t it curious that Democrats can hold every branch of the federal government in 2008 only to watch fascism grow out of control on their watch? And then, by 2016, the cancer is everywhere, so we need to vote them all out. But the people we’re voting for won’t do a fucking thing to keep ACB off the bench for three months. So there goes the Courts. And then they’ve got Congressional majorities and the Presidency in 2021, but… oops, again! Can’t prosecute Trump. Can’t prosecute DeSantis. Can’t prosecute Ken Paxton. Can’t even prosecute Rudy fucking Guiliani.

      And now we’re back in 2024, begging for votes, because we need one more shot to do our fucking jobs, please, please, PLEASE, just one more vote, we promise this time it’ll be different!

      Only this time, we’re sending 2000 lb bunker busters to Israel so they can slaughter Palestinians, while our candidate of choice is getting up in front of college crowds to tell them that any kind of protest is an illegal form of antisemitism. And the entire pitch for the Presidency this time around appears to be “If you don’t vote for me, the wealthiest people in the country will hit the big Heat Up The Planet button until we all bake to death (but even if you do they still might)”.

      Cool cool cool. Love democracy.

    • @[email protected]
      94 months ago

      They keep wanting their voters to feel that way, while apparently not being bothered enough to do something about it themselves. Like, are we supposed to believe that this election could plunge the US into 1000 years of darkness, but at the same time we absolutely cannot stop supporting a genocide halfway across the world, even if that may well make the difference in the election?

  • @[email protected]
    464 months ago

    What Republicans realized decades ago is this is fundamentally true. Every election is the most important election. They just leave off the “…so far” that should be at the end of the statement.

    I think before Reagan (or maybe Gingrich) people could reasonably see some elections as less consequential than others. But the Republicans realized that it’s all about building. Build a bench of charismatic, intelligent, possibly sociopathic individuals. Get them in local government and then state government and then federal government. Tell your base voters that you’re building something that will one day pay off.

    Just keep building, just keep building, and one day you have a juggernaut. Especially if your opponents didn’t build to match.

    Democrats spent the 80s and 90s assuming the status was quo. They spent the last half of the 90s and the 00s living in the fantasy that what people liked about Clinton was the fiscal conservatism without the religion, so they should be more conservative.

    Only very recently have progressives started breaking through.

    Now we have to build.

    Luckily the Republicans have hitched their wagon to a human wrecking ball. That might let Democrats catch up sooner than they otherwise would.

    • @[email protected]
      184 months ago

      Democrats spent the 80s and 90s assuming the status was quo.

      This was the Golden Age for liberalism. It was the age after the bountiful 80’s, but before the communication age started shining light into all the dark corners of our society. People could live in blissful ignorance of societal problems as the just fed and fed from a growing housing bubble.

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          Changed what exactly? The way US ppl see the world? Because the government is exactly the same as ever with the rest of the world.

          Edit: Why ppl are downvoting me, you forgot Vietnam? Korea? Gulf? Fuck off boot lickers.

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    the most important election of your lifetime was the one that didn’t land us here

    ship’s sailed, bitches

    I’d go so far as to say it was bush v gore but it doesn’t fuckin matter now; mighta been whoever lost to reagan’s fault, him and thatcher really fucked everything up

    • @stonerboner
      254 months ago

      RFK is a skid mark on the Kennedy name. He knowingly snake-oiled ivermectin, counter to the data and extreme majority of medical professsionals. Don’t pretend it was an “oopsie- he was told the wrong thing!” That’s super disingenuous.

      He’s not even a good snake oil salesman. If you honestly believe the shit you used to defend him, I have some tickets to heaven I can get you for a killer discount lmao

        • @[email protected]
          104 months ago

          Ok for sure the ivermectin thing wasn’t smart. But it was the only alternative to the vaccine being talked about at the time.

          It was not. It was a flight of utter fancy. It was a fiction.

          While that was a mistake, he does have a good point about pharmaceutical companies pushing out the COVID vaccines very quickly and making as killing in profits.

          He does not. No one got rich off of the COVID-19 vaccines. In fact, vaccines in general are not a cash cow for the pharmaceutical industry. I’m not saying the industry is populated by good people—lol nope—but if you follow the money it doesn’t go far because there isn’t much of it. They get the good PR from selling vaccines, and then they make money from ED pills and such.

          Many people have reported serious permanent side effect to those vaccines.

          No they haven’t. And don’t try to toss VAERS data at me; it’ll just prove that you don’t know what that database is. In reality the side effects from the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are almost miraculously low—somewhat lower than the industry standard in terms of occurrences, and much lower than the industry standard in terms of severity. Most importantly, though, they were dramatically lower than just catching the disease.

          Maybe there should’ve been a bit more quality assurance or more tests to ensure there wouldn’t be any problems.

          mRNA vaccines have been in development since 1993. The pharmaceutical industry wasn’t pushing it because traditional vaccines were good enough (read: cheaper) between 1993-2020, but the R&D was consistent for that time.

          Then again, it was in a period where the vaccine was absolutely necessary and as soon as possible. So… Yeah. We didn’t really have a choice.

          We definitely did need the speed of mRNA in vitro transcription vaccines at the height of the pandemic. But it’s not like this was a “second-best” option, or a case where we were settling for something.

          I implore you, get your medical information from reliable sources.

            • @stonerboner
              54 months ago

              You are perpetuating dangerous lies in an attempt to defend a horrible liar. You need to REALLY consider why the fuck you do that. Educate yourself before spewing that nonsense.

                • @stonerboner
                  34 months ago

                  He was a hack long before the brain worm. The worm thing is absolutely pertinent and you are correct that should preclude him from any serious run, but he’s been selling snake oil for a looooong time and has many reasons beyond mere medical stuff that should top the list of why he’s a piece of shit leader.

                • @stonerboner
                  54 months ago

                  I don’t know what to tell you if you need to have a discussion about a grifter. To take him seriously, you have to pretty seriously have zero knowledge about what he lies about. If that’s the case, perhaps you should be researching the topic with a reputable source instead of playing devils advocate for a lying POS.

                  You have to be utterly stupid or willfully ignorant to A) take him seriously B) ignore the fact that his claims were, to an extreme degree, publicly refuted.

                  But sure, tell me more how you expect us to seriously discuss the merits of Mr. Brain Worm.

    • @[email protected]
      144 months ago

      One of the main jobs of the president is assigning work to other people. The president isn’t supposed to be the best economist, the best strategist, the top scientist, or the best trade planner. They’re supposed to make decisions based on the input of the people they selected for the position.

      My biggest concern with Bernie (who is someone I absolutely admire and who I’ve supported for decades) is that he is total crap at picking staff and then he stays loyal to them.

      There’s a tendency in western political philosophy that basically says that the king himself is a good person, but he has bad advisors. This is done for ego-saving, as people would rather criticize advisors than the king.

      RFK is truly unhinged. He’s a conspiracy theorist. He’s the weird uncle you don’t invite to Thanksgiving. I wouldn’t let him house sit for me. If the guy can’t even win over his family members, I don’t think he’s promising. He’s being funded to run as a spoiler by the opposition, and I expect his support to plummet as soon as he’s actually put in front of a mic and gets national attention. Remember when Herman Cain was the Republican front runner until people figured out more about him? I think this is basically that.

        • @[email protected]
          54 months ago

          Also, for the record, I’m not American or living in America.

          Makes sense, because you definitely sound like someone trying to undermine US interests by stumping for this guy

            • @[email protected]
              44 months ago

              I don’t really think you are a Russian disinformation agent; my statement was an attempt to point out that you were at the very least playing the part of a useful pawn for people who want to undermine our election.

              However, if you genuinely think that RFK jr is worthy of consideration in this election, I genuinely think you’re an idiot.

                • @[email protected]
                  44 months ago

                  But I have a gut feeling that there’s something bigger at play here and that the American media, which is extremely biased in general towards either the Democrats or the Republicans, might actually be doing a smear campaign against him because he is very much anti-capitalist. Or at least anti-corporation.

                  The reason it’s always D vs R is systemic. Our election system punishes similar candidates that run against each other. Because of this, our political parties are more like coalitions, made up of a number of different groups who strategically send out only one candidate, which is decided in primary elections.

                  As a result, the people who end up running third party for president are usually delusional, looking for attention, or intentional spoilers. So the fact that RFK jr has a screw loose is not surprising, and I would be more concerned about a conspiracy if our media elevated him to the level of the other candidates when it is undeserved and detrimental.

    • @[email protected]
      84 months ago

      To your last point, we always said that at least GWB had “good advisors” but that just made him easier to manipulate. I don’t think it’s bad that we expect the president of the whole country to be smart. I want them to be smarter than me!