On my first watch-through and this episode was great, I love time anomaly episodes. Also really appreciated how, as the show comes to a close, this episode asks the question “Was the journey worth it? If they could go back and undo getting stranded in the DQ, would they?” And of course we discover through Chakotay’s dialogue with Janeway that the journey has ultimately been worth it.

Anyway at the end, Janeway remarks that she knows where Chakotay hides the cider and cites the temporal prime directive. So does this imply she remembers the whole thing? If so that really kind of changes things for the whole show prior to this, for example she would have already known they were going to be stranded in the DQ from episode 1. So while I like the idea I’m having trouble reconciling it?

  • japps13@lemmy.physfluids.fr
    2 years ago

    Maybe it helped her decision to destroy the Caretaker array, having had time to mentally prepare being stranded, and knowing that it would be worth it…