• SilverchaseOP
    62 months ago

    Looks nice for limited… if expend 4 is easy and reliable.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      I think since it counts for all spells it is doable, but since it doesn’t count abilities it might not trigger when you need it all the time.

      • @Semjaza
        42 months ago

        I had totally missed that it only worked for spells… I’m now much less happy with this mechanic.

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          Yeah. Unlike city’s blessing these are not static abilities, so if this racoon is part of your 4th mana spent on spells a turn it will not be on board for the triggered ability. You’d have to wait for the next turn to spend your 4th mana on a spell.

          • @Semjaza
            22 months ago

            This one being only two mana, that’s not much of an issue here. For all the 4 and 5 mana racoons, I’m a little more skeptical. Maybe if there is enough ramp that you can skip 2 or 3 drops and play a 4 on 3 consistently… Rabbits and mice both look fairly aggressive, plus big things is a good way to 1 for 1 and end up falling behind.

            • @[email protected]
              32 months ago

              It is not a major concern for me, but with red impulse draw you might get a scenario where you pay 2-3 to get a card you have to use or lose it, and when you cast a two drop racoon with expend 4 you miss the trigger.

              So this guy doesn’t gain indestructible till end of turn and that is not a big deal. If you cast Brambleguard Veteran, Muerra, Trash Tactician, or Wandertale Mentor that would be the difference between abuff to your board, three life, or a +1/+1 counter.

              We’ve seen RG typal strategies like werewolves have to play around timing, so this is just another thing to keep track of when it comes to timing your spells.