• Rose
    671 year ago

    Nah, its not a slur until the kids on xbox live start using it

    But they won’t. Calling someone cis as an insult online doesnt have the same impact

    • Teon
      231 year ago

      Using Cis when using voice will always be confused with Sis, as in sister. That’s gonna sound very interesting as a non-insult.

    • ddh
      101 year ago

      I would love to know where that road leads.

      • Rose
        111 year ago

        “screw you, you were camping and I should have won that, cheater [long rant of slurs]” “Yeah well I bet you’re a cisgender. Cis. I bet you’re cis” “…what?”

    • Automated_Footprint
      91 year ago

      How can it even be a slur? I don’t get it. People may use gay or trans or as an insult. But that doesn’t make it a slur right. So how this word can?

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        You’re right to be confused, Elon’s post is very silly on many levels, one of which being that considering a word to be mean doesn’t make it a slur.

      • Rose
        1 year ago

        It can’t and that’s the joke here

        Kids on xbox live are known to throw around slurs to win arguments, especially in cod. Sorry to have confused ya

  • @[email protected]
    551 year ago

    I would be very interested in a plot graph mapping out the number of instances of transphobic rhetoric coming from Elon from before and after Grimes left him for Chelsea Manning.

    • @[email protected]
      171 year ago

      Or his trans daughter changing her last name and disowning him. How shitty of a dad do you have to be for your kid to turn down that kind of inheritance?

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        I can’t imagine what he did for that to happen. I’ve seen similar stories of kids disownning their billionare parents in countries where spousal abuse, demostic violenc, violence against kids and pologomy are allowed. but I never thought US laws allow you to be that shitty.

  • @[email protected]B
    471 year ago

    That’s great grandma, now let’s get you to the bottom of the ocean. (sadly not original content)

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      He is absolutely free to say whatever nonsense he wants. Isn’t that what free speech means? /s

      • @[email protected]
        131 year ago

        HE is free to say and do whatever he wants, he owns the platform.

        He literally made it so his posts appear before others because he was getting less likes than other people.

        You on the other hand? You better say what musky boy likes.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Right, don’t kill me for asking, but what’s wrong with libertarianism? Or who are the libertarian morons? Honest question.

      • @[email protected]
        271 year ago

        Selfish idiots who want to earn all advantages of society but don’t want to contribute anything. (Like Musk, who was a subsidy queen for years, but has suddenly discovered his love for a minimal state, or David Sacks, also a big fan of libertarianism, except when in dire need for a bailout from Silicon Valley Bank)

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            It’s supposed to be about individualism and individual freedom above all else, which is on par with the selfishness imo. Though many are conservatives that use the term to larp as apolitical.

            • @[email protected]
              91 year ago

              Looking at this image, I would think that if I’m against authoritarianism, I’d be libertarian right? Yet, from my experience hearing from others who identify as libertarian, they all seem to be rather selfish as you say, or just very short-sighted. Is this a matter of the libertarian name being co-opted for something very different, or is that actually what it means to be libertarian?

              • archomrade [he/him]
                151 year ago

                Political compasses are a terribly misleading way of understanding political opinions IMHO, I wouldn’t read too much into this.

                Libertarians tend to be against state authority and all-in with private authority. They are market absolutists and see the expression of influence or power through market dynamics as not just OK but desired, since they consider markets to be meritocratic.

                I would say you can be anti-authoritarian and pro-democracy (i.e. power is still exerted through a state authority, but the state is more evenly represented by the people)

                The issue with libertarianism is that it only sees the abuse of power being that which is exercised through the state, but I think most people recognize that to be an incomplete picture.

                • @[email protected]
                  81 year ago

                  Also libertarianism only exist in theory / ideals. No society exists under it in any meaningful way. Their ideas have never been tested to the point where the consequences of their action have not been clearly seen.

                  They want to think everything is black or white, but in reality it’s different shades of gray.

              • @[email protected]
                31 year ago

                You can be against authorities limiting your freedom without thinking other people’s rights also limit your freedom. It’s a spectrum. I don’t know what it actually means to be libertarian but it makes sense to me that the polar opposite of authoritanism is selfishness. I think it’s the best to not take it to either extreme.

            • @[email protected]
              51 year ago

              I consider myself liberal and it’s not about my own freedoms (though I guess I’d like that too) but those of others. Believing others have a right to be non-binary as an easy example, or believe whatever they choose. I don’t believe corporations in particular have a right to authority over the individual. Isn’t that considered liberal?

              • rumschlumpel
                1 year ago

                Libertarians don’t believe (or want) those kinds of rights, they mostly just want to be free to be assholes, and to not pay taxes.

                The liberty of libertarians is NOT just a more radical version of the liberty of liberals.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        It sounds absolutely great in theory, but in practice it could never work.

        Say I want to build a house: As a society, we’ve come up with mandatory building codes that tell me how to build a house that’s going to be safe for everyone.

        Suppose we got rid of this regulation for libertarianism’s sake.

        Most people would still build to code because that’s just the smart thing to do but a small proportion of people would build it the cheapest way possible because it is now their god-given right to do so.

        When that house inevitably fails at the worst possible time, I don’t care too much about what happens to the guy himself. He understood the risk and did it anyways. But in a worst case scenario, he could’ve been hosting a kids party that day or something.

        Now apply this analogy to… Basically any regulation you’d want to get rid of.

        It’s kind of always a balancing act between stopping people from killing each other from sheer stupidity, and letting them do and say whatever the fuck they want when they’re between their own four walls, and pure libertarianism doesn’t allow for that.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          I took the compass test recently and it came pretty far left far libertarian. I’m just trying to figure out what that means which is partly why I’m asking the question. I don’t dislike government run well and for the people. I don’t dislike taxes at all and want them spent on the public (esp tax the rich), and I like people following the rules (when they are fair) and to being kind to eachother. But I think people should be free to do what they want if it doesn’t impose on others’ freedoms. I’m just trying to figure out my own political views and philosophies more deeply at the moment.

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              Yeah I’m absolutely working on that as well. I am interested in it all from a hypothetical perspective too.

          • @[email protected]
            61 year ago

            Have a look some of material on the reading list on Politician Compass for left libertarian it may help you.

            When people talk about libertarians they are almost always talking about right wing (Ayn Rand) libertarians. They get attention because they are having direct impact on our current politics.

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              I feel I always have to remind people that “libertarians” don’t have to be huge deregulators. A real libertarian is staunchly anti monopoly and DESIRES government intervention when there are issues with public goods (like pollution, competition, or safety) issues involved.

              The right wing libertarians coopted the party sadly

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Libertarianism upholds whatever the current power structure is and offers no redress for those with less power. Free market libertarianism is just unchecked capitalism.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        People on these forums yearn to be subjects and cannot understand the desire to be left alone. Especially when it comes to topics that could not matter less.

        Likely because they have the intellectual capacity of a child and thus need to be told what to do.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Billionaire is already a slur.

      No one makes that much money without screwing over and abusing other people. There are no ethical billionaires.

      • @[email protected]
        101 year ago

        And also is completely accurate. Mainstream media, mainstream politicians and others who are members of the big club want you to think that only Eastern Europe and parts of Asia (not the parts they have lucrative business with) are mostly controlled by a few rich people.

        The reality is that the US has more than a third of the world’s billionaires in spite of having only 5% of the population and those billionaires and the rest of the. 1% ABSOLUTELY are oligarchs that control the country much more than any elected officials.

  • Ignacio [he/him]
    371 year ago

    In my country (Spain) there is an organization called “Centre for Sociological Research”, which in Spanish it’s called “Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas” (best known as CIS).

    So, is that name also a slur, according to the free speech absolutist? What about politicians and journalists who talk about its surveys?

    • MaeqaOP
      351 year ago

      Elon is too busy being angry at trans people to see all this nuance you’re just throwing out there. You think he has time to consider what people are saying or that other people have thoughts and feelings?

  • @[email protected]
    331 year ago

    I will never understand how the word cis or cisgender is a slur. If your a cisgender then you are literally a cisgender. I am a cisgender male, plane and simple

    • @[email protected]
      171 year ago

      They consider themselves the “default” aka the only ones who are not “the others” and thus not wrong about everything up to and including existing.

      They are also snowflakes who can’t cope with their bigoted worldview being questioned in any way without playing the innocent martyr, so anything that implies that their perspective isn’t the only legitimate one is considered viciously evil.

  • Roundcat
    291 year ago

    Damn cisgenders, cissing around this damn thread. One tried to cis me out of my gender.