• @21Cabbage
    23 days ago

    Was chilling with some friends of friends the other week and operating systems came up and one guy said he ran Ubuntu (I’m on KDE Neon) so we started chatting about that and a guy in the back seat said “Hey, aren’t you guys supposed to be fighting?”.

  • Lettuce eat lettuce
    677 days ago

    In my experience, Linux folks are just happy to find each other in the wild.

    Hell, I’m just happy to meet people that are Linux-curious lol.

    It’s mostly online that the distro wars are fought.

    • @[email protected]
      326 days ago

      I’ve never met a linux enthusiast or even a user IRL. So at this point if I ever do, they will achieve best friend status off of that alone.

      So strange that an operating system has that affect on me

      • @[email protected]
        246 days ago

        You never knowingly met a Linux user. Statistically speaking, you probably have.

        The issue is that OS-preference is not very common as a small talk topic. This is why you should name drop your fav distro in every conversation.

        • @[email protected]
          6 days ago

          I have “rm -rf /” tattooed on my left arm. I’m hoping one day I hear someone say “Hey you forgot --no-presrve-root or /*”.

          Met one guy (my therapist weirdly enough) that knew it was a *nix command. That was pretty cool.

          • Lettuce eat lettuce
            25 days ago

            I’ve slowly been decorating my IT office with various Linux trinkets.

            I just got a foam stress “ball” Tux recently, and I plan on getting a Debian coffee mug, maybe some Linux/FOSS related stickers lol.

      • @[email protected]
        46 days ago

        I got a colleague last year, but he is the only one.

        Super nice to have Proxmox/Docker/Portainer discussions at work.

        Hope you find a new best friend soon!

      • @[email protected]
        26 days ago

        Yeah cause you have to say that insane shit to someone’s face and you know you’ll sound like an unhinged fuck

  • TimeSquirrel
    837 days ago

    I mean it’s also socialist, with how it’s developed and distributed. Despite capitalists making use of it too. It’s one of the few things in this world the people truly own collectively.

    • JustEnoughDucks
      266 days ago

      Capitalists making use of and profiting from socialist programs and structure is a tale as old as capitalism.

      Pharma as an example. Crowdsourced research, government funding with money from the people only to be bought by a capitalist corpo where they do the last 10% of the work by industrialization, jack up the price by 1000x, and take 100% of the profits and don’t even pay back their fair share in taxes, and then get a state-sponsered monopoly for an outrageous period.

  • @[email protected]
    737 days ago

    2025 would be the year of Linux, if we could finally agree, that:

    • Fedora,
    • rust,
    • systemd,
    • wayland,
    • pipewire,
    • gtk,
    • Gnome,
    • nano,
    • flatpak, and
    • light mode

    is the perfect stack of technology and configuration and that we do not need anything else. But no, you guys just had to disagree, and here we are …

    • @[email protected]
      13 days ago

      I will switch to Gnome when it can handle multiple workspaces on multiple displays properly. The fact that I can’t have multiple independent workspaces for each display is a complete deal breaker for me.

    • The Hobbyist
      867 days ago

      I’m with you all the way, really, except that, truly, KDE plasma and dark mode are the superior choices, obviously :)

        • Kalcifer
          307 days ago

          And Arch Linux instead of openSUSE Tumbleweed and Fedora 😊

      • @[email protected]
        277 days ago

        You have just single handedly chased away some potential Linux users and prevented Year of the Linux Desktop 2024! Just with that comment! I hope you are happy now!

      • Sunoc
        147 days ago

        Better UI consistency. It’s always really annoying when you have your nice dark theme and a bright white page pops out of nowhere and fry your eyes.

        For ease on the eye, keep everything black on white, and turn down screen brightness if the environment is dark.

    • @[email protected]
      156 days ago

      Surprised how, of all the people who took the bait, not a single one of them complained about systemd.

      My beard isn’t long enough to have an opinion about systemd. All I know is all my homies hate systemd for some reason.

      • @[email protected]
        56 days ago

        A lot of complaints I’ve seen is that it’s bloated - it’s not only a system manager but also has a DNS relay, network manager, container manager, and so on.

        That said, codifying service startup and managing them with cgroups is IMO MUCH better than init scripts that think running killall apache is a good way to stop a service.

    • Krafty Kactus
      207 days ago

      For most people yes. The only things I would say are more personal choices are nano, Gnome, and light mode

    • @[email protected]
      46 days ago
      • openSUSE better
      • yes (zig is good too)
      • dinit
      • yes
      • yes
      • Qt
      • cosmic (when it’s done)
      • Emacs
      • flatpaks are good at their job, but I want system packages too
      • dark mode is infinitely better
    • @[email protected]
      46 days ago

      Counterpoint it would be the year of the Linux desktop if we all agreed on

      • Artix
      • OpenRC
      • Wayland (but different implementation)
      • pulseaudio
      • non-gnome gtk
      • Hyprland
      • Vim
      • AUR
      • dark mode always
    • Sunoc
      47 days ago

      I beg to slightly differ, but it’s a good take overall:

      • Aeon Desktop or Fedora Silverblue, any sane immutable system, really
      • Zig + Rust + Scheme / Clojure
      • systemd,
      • wayland,
      • pipewire,
      • gtk,
      • Gnome,
      • nano / gedit / whatever y’all are using instead of glorious Emacs
      • flatpak,
      • distrobox
      • light mode
      • arthurpizza
        46 days ago

        Oh! So close, Honey. We’re looking for vim and dark-mode. But thanks for playing.

    • palordrolap
      47 days ago

      nano with the new, alternative “GUI editor standard” keybinds or the old pico ones?

      • TimeSquirrel
        117 days ago

        It’s hard to overcome the Hurd problem though. Although it would be fascinating to see how it would diverge on the design of the Linux kernel. How much can you still act like Linux while not being Linux? Or would it just be a direct algorithmic translation, basically doing the same processes under the hood with the same architecture? I’m sure there’s more than a few things Linux is doing in C that the Rust compiler would frown upon.

        • @[email protected]
          76 days ago

          Main issue is drivers. One of the best places to take advantage of rust’s memory safety is in hardware drivers, and those would be hard to share between separate kernels.

          That entire talk, and the complaint that Ts’o responded to was that to continue with rust, there needs to be some responsibility from the guys working on the underlying C bindings to not break downstream dependencies if they refactor code.

          The answer from some of the Kernel developers, and vocally by Ts’o was: lol no fuck you and your toy language.

        • @[email protected]
          7 days ago

          Yeah. The idea of an automated C to Rust replacement of the Linux kernel is fascinating. As you say, there’s probably stuff in the Kernel that Rust’s compiler won’t allow.

          I imagine it wouldn’t work at all, out of the box, but it might reduce the cost curve enough to make a dedicated team of very clever engineers able to cross the last mile, given time.

          As cynical as I am of both Rust and AI generated code, it honestly feels like trying an automated conversion might be less of a long shot than expecting the existing Linux kernel developers to switch to Rust.

          And I’m sure a few would kick in some thought cycles if a promising Kernel clone could be generated. These are certainly interesting times.

  • @[email protected]
    146 days ago

    Free Software is Leftism because it has got us great software and maybe the only bad thing I can say is that release schedules aren’t a thing

    Open Source is Capitalist Friendly because, ummmmm, extremely shitty Community Editions and putting everything cool in proprietary side, uhhhhh, random license changes to shit that isn’t actually OSD compliant, unghhhhhh, need of constant vigilance against license violations.

    Like I am happy cheap hardware vendors have adopted OSS components but why are they frequently so shitty about everything

  • @[email protected]
    257 days ago

    They’re also similar in that if you tell them you use Linux but like Canonical and/or Lennart Poettering they’ll yell at you and call you all sorts of names but if you tell them you’re a Windows user they’ll leave you alone

  • @[email protected]
    257 days ago

    From my experience, those discussions only happen when Distros are compared.

    When I’m talking to other Linux people, there has never been any competition, and as long as you are using Linux you are a bro.

  • @[email protected]
    86 days ago

    I haven’t seen Linux users fights over distros… Ever. We just have lots of choices, and most of them are awesome.

      • @[email protected]
        35 days ago

        Haha yeah. Well I’m an arch user for at least a decade, and i saw manjaro come… It was very popular in the beginning. Then they started making strange decisions, but I think many people are still happy with it. Otherwise I think endevourOS is doing good. :)

    • @[email protected]
      86 days ago

      It’s not uncommon to see people expressing disdain for other distros. I feel like it’s tongue in cheek 99% of the time though

    • @[email protected]
      36 days ago

      Nah it’s pretty common. Especially if someone brings up Gaming DistrosTM. You sometimes get passionate individuals that argue over them.