WASHINGTON, Sept 27 (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Donald Trump, who is the Republican presidential candidate, said on Friday he will seek the prosecution of Google if he wins the Nov. 5 election, claiming that the company only displays “bad stories” about him.

Trump, in his post on Truth Social, gave no evidence for his assertion about Google.

“It has been determined that Google has illegally used a system of only revealing and displaying bad stories about Donald J. Trump, some made up for this purpose while, at the same time, only revealing good stories about” Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, Trump said.

  • @[email protected]
    45 hours ago

    only displaying bad stories ? have you tried not doing bad and illegal shit perhaps ? or is he as imbecile that thinks that a group of minions are organizing the results of a search and it’s not an algorithm

  • @[email protected]
    8 hours ago

    “It has been determined that Google has illegally used a system of only revealing and displaying bad stories about Donald J. Trump, some made up for this purpose while, at the same time, only revealing good stories about” Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, Trump said.

    Don’t worry, I speak Trump.

    Translation: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I don’t wike what thewer saying about meeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I want Google FIRED nnnnnooooooooowwwwwwww!

    *other wet fart noises*

  • @[email protected]
    9 hours ago

    Look. This is how Cluster B personality disorders work. And how utterly exhausting they are. Notably, borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder. We all know Trump is the latter even if he isn’t officially diagnosed.


    Anyone who has ever been in a relationship with Cluster B, be it familial, friendship, or romantic knows this is true about trump. And has probably been screaming on the inside, due to additional exposure, for 8 yrs.


    What’s killer about this guy and his Cluster B is the press. The mains like NYT, NBC, etc, not fringe stuff like new republic and others that we often post to lemmy and Reddit, don’t just say it outright. Don’t just say there’s something mentally off with all he says and does. We should have had a blasted wall, a boundary set against this level of delusion, but instead we’ve had nearly a decade of “let’s explore this”, leading us down the lane of what is, yes, the perceptions of untreated mental illness. That’s what a Cluster B personality disorder is: untreated mental illness. Not the lock you up kind (barring a BPD trip down SA/SI, which is a hallmark of that disorder, but that’s off topic for a Trump discussion). The press isn’t reporting misinformation, but they have enabled his mental illness and pulled us all into an unwelcome relationship with it by never placing healthy boundaries on it. It’s like they wanted a society of Cluster B co-dependents. They have helped create this exhausting reality via their own codependency.


    And it’s fucking exhausting.


    So what we have is this exhausting, societal level gaslight that feeds into a Cluster B personality disorder’s reality, instead of reality. This statement about Google? “Normal” for Cluster B. Utterly expected and within the operating procedures of Cluster B.


    Typically, a person finding themselves in a relationship with one of these nightmare personality disorders goes no contact to get healthy again. They have to. It’s the only way. For a decade we haven’t been allowed to go no contact.


    I’ll conclude by saying the obvious. If you’d finally like to go no contact on this Cluster B relationship, vote for Kamala Harris.

    • @ReallyActuallyFrankenstein
      5 hours ago

      I’ve known and agreed about Trump’s obvious clinical narcissism, but I needed to hear this last piece: the ineptitude and culpability of the media in not just facilitating it, but actively contributing to what in any other circumstance would be systematic abuse. It’s so messed up that they are exposing us to, and amplifying, his mental illness without any self-reflection or caution.

      For reference, I also had a relationship with someone with BPD. I had to go no-contact after she took a bottle of pills, and then tried to time a call to me so she could die on the phone while I was powerless to stop it. (The ambulance got there in time.) It wasn’t until months later that I realized just how exhausted I had been, and how much it was harming me. Feels familiar.

    • @[email protected]
      98 hours ago

      Here you go, everyone:



      I’d post a summary, though with these it is often best to go a little more in-depth than some tldr on the subject. Long story short, Trump represents Narcissism and Histrionic, maybe BPD. I’ll be honest, I’ve kept my distance from watching him. Someone else with more screen time, or more knowledge, feel free to chime in with corrections.

  • @[email protected]
    77 hours ago

    I’d rather see them broken up for monopolism (a possible outcome thanks to the current FTC chairwoman appointed during the current administration) than sued about hurting the president’s feelings

  • @[email protected]
    11 hours ago

    Trump using blatant mafia scare tactics to get his way. And about half the American voting population is like. Hey that’s cool, I’m absolutely fine with that, as long as he also makes the poor, the colored, the immigrants and LGBT people suffer, and he lowers taxes for the ultra rich.

  • @[email protected]
    3510 hours ago

    If I was google I would estimate the cost of said prosecution an start funding things to prevent Trump.

    • @[email protected]
      3110 hours ago

      If I was google I’d simply sue for defamation. Seems pretty open shut, considering Trump is claiming a law to have been broken and that is blatantly and easily verifiably untrue.

      • FuglyDuck
        69 hours ago

        If I were google, I’d just remove any positive mention of him from people’s search results.

        let him scream into a void. it’s not like they’re not legally allowed to fuck over a person.

      • @[email protected]
        29 hours ago

        They’ve got the bank account to do so successfully. But I don’t think they’d wanna piss off his lunatic supporters and risk domestic terrorism.

      • @[email protected]
        210 hours ago

        Probably don’t even wanna get into it. Streisand effect, and probably just want to avoid all the discovery that would entail.

  • @[email protected]
    510 hours ago

    Is this why I got a Google news hit criticizing Harris for “repetitive speeches?” Lol, what a joke. “We don’t like how she stays on message, waaahhh,” lol.

    • @[email protected]
      29 hours ago

      No, that’s because it is repetitive. I’m keen on voting for her, but I can’t watch her any more because of it.


      It’s the same words every single time. It’s like a broken record skipping on the same 15 words and I just can’t listen to it any more.


      It’s like trying to play the next episode of a tv series. It’s labeled as episode 4 and the first 3 minutes looks new, everyone’s dressed different, but then they all launch into the same scenes and dialogue of the first 3 episodes. Like someone cut those 3 episodes into pieces and reassembled them for episode 4. And episode 5. And episode 6. And so on.


      It’s awful. And obvious.

      The only new thing during Oprah was the I’ll shoot you with my gun if you break into my house. Like she’d be faster than SS. Even so. That’s the only memorable thing from the Oprah thing because it’s the single piece of new dialogue.

      • Nougat
        46 hours ago

        That’s how campaign speeches work. There are speechwriters, and they don’t write a whole brand new speech for every campaign stop.

  • @[email protected]
    310 hours ago

    Suing companies that Hurt your Feelings it was BIG STRONG MEN do! Also FUCK YOUR FEELINGS LIBTARDS!