My first reaction on reading about this was “ewww”, but actually probably a pretty good idea.
Really cool. This is how I’ve wanted to go, but without the bones being powdered at the end - I want those skeletonised into a posable model so I can continue to attend family gatherings.
Has sir considered the possibilities that taxidermy affords?
Yeah but taxidermying a human is notoriously challenging, not as durable/long-lasting and somehow not as comedic in my estimation.
I think it’s great that more options are being made available.
I really wanted a tree/woodland burial (tree planted over whatever is left of the body), but honestly, it sounds like a more eco-friendly option would be resomation, then just feeding my delicious nutrients to a woodland. Or my garden!
Edit: Just some more info, apparently the name of the process is “aquamation”, and Resomation is the brand name of the company doing it in the UK.
Grauniad has described it as “Boil-in-the-bag”, which is hilarious.
Sous-vide when?
I was morbidly curious and dove into wikipedia:
The process is based on alkaline hydrolysis: the body is placed in a pressure vessel that is then filled with a mixture of water and potassium hydroxide, and heated to a temperature around 160 °C (320 °F), but at an elevated pressure, which prevents boiling. Instead, the body is effectively broken down into its chemical components, which takes approximately four to six hours.
The process, known as resomation, uses a mix of potassium hydroxide and water to break down human remains in what is billed as a more sustainable option.
It takes four hours - the bones remain, and are powdered then returned to loved ones in a similar way to ashes, in an urn.
Neat! Quite literally based.
Your username in proximity to this topic makes me giggle.
When I’m dead just throw me in the trash
Can’t do that really because it’s possible that you would contaminate ground water of spread disease.
He’s a villain: don’t you see?! He picks up the garbage and throws it all over the church
The whole process is fascinating, and I would be up for this. I would prefer Mushroom Burial Suit or Recomposition. This is something we are all going to have to think about. Running out of land, needing to be more environmental friendly, and more people not being religious are all going to make things change.
Is it climate friendly only because it’s not using gas in the cremation process? It doesn’t really mention it in the article, just about how it doesn’t require land.
Yeh - that’s exactly it. Burning bodies is energy/CO2 intensive
This still requires heating, but not the 800C or so that cremation does, which requires a LOT of energy.