Great Uncle Bulgaria didn’t come from Bulgaria, he was named after it, besides, it’s his first name, his surname is Coburg, and he didn’t come from there either, he always lived in the UK, since the 1600s.
Sorry, you can’t just slander wombles.
Great Uncle Bulgaria didn’t come from Bulgaria, he was named after it, besides, it’s his first name, his surname is Coburg, and he didn’t come from there either, he always lived in the UK, since the 1600s.
Sorry, you can’t just slander wombles.
‘London, Ontario, Canada’
I dunno, I saw the poster and now I’m craving cake.
This still requires heating, but not the 800C or so that cremation does, which requires a LOT of energy.
aka ‘Rishi has a mate who’d like to control the water supply to the capital for a tenner’
I’d have the same problem, getting a driver’s license in my legal name is dependant on the permission slip from the gender clinic, which expired years ago. In theory I could get a new slip, but since the gender clinic discharged me because I don’t count as a real person due to having a disability, then they’re loathed to deal with me, and I usually just get shunted about to nowhere by my GP.
Of course, in theory my GP is supposed to be able to provide that permission slip, it doesn’t have to come from a gender clinic Dr, but my GP throws up their hands at any suggestion of them actually thinking for themselves.
I don’t drive, and don’t have a (valid*) passport, they’ve claimed you can apply for an ID (not free), but as a trans woman it’s unlikely I can possibly have the documentation required - I believe a birth certificate is required for one; mine does not match my legal name obviously, and all other government documentation (NHS details, National Insurance card, tax documents) are in my legal name.
Besides which, the government knows who I am, and where I live, since I have to be registered on the electoral roll to even be eligable for postal voting in the first place, so what, other than finding a reason to deny me my rights, is the purpose of a voter ID for a postal vote?
* I do, somewhere, have an expired passport that expired in 2016, but I was unable to find it in time to renew it, and my permission slip for getting a passport in my legal name expired years ago, it would also be expensive, given that I have no need to travel abroad, so £90+ on sorting out a passport just for voting would be outrageous.
They’ve been talking about applying it to postal votes too, I have no idea how that’ll work, but it’ll disinfranchise myself and my partner, disgusting slimebags that the tories are.
Why wouldn’t they just say ‘la poste electronique’ like a normal person?
Noel’s tastes are far too taboo to be simply children.